NT; I Need Your Help Finding This Jacket. ThNx

Dec 4, 2009
NT, I need your help identifying this damn jacket. I really hate doing this when it comes to clothing because half of the time I can find it on my own, but I seriously can't find this %#@+ no where. Not even on karmaloop


the jacket dude is wearing in the ad please.
Originally Posted by Hendrix Watermelon

NT, I need your help identifying this damn jacket. I really hate doing this when it comes to clothing because half of the time I can find it on my own, but I seriously can't find this *+@$ no where. Not even on karmaloop


the jacket dude is wearing in the ad please.

All I know is that the brand might be Native.

It's ALWAYS on jackthreads.
domo dragon dojo or something like that.

Spoiler [+]
But seriously I looked but couldn't find anything.  I like the look of the jacket though
I asked one of the workers there and he didn't even know what the brand of the jacket was. Like yo, you serious yo?

I was about to troll him with because I think its domo drajon dojo or something like that, but my disappointment didn't let me do it.

Also, i can't find that brand Native. It's too broad yo, a bunch of native americans show up on my screen rocking jackets and stuff.

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