NT: I present to you, peopleofwalmart.com

Originally Posted by biggatree

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

give me a late pass..but that lamebook site is hilarious too
Lamebook has been providing lulz for a while now. However, with you being the almighty and such, late pass is automatically granted.

My personal favorite...


Originally Posted by SWOBOYdeHTEEZY

I posted the link on Facebook, and received no comments or "Likes". I conclude that this website will fail.

nobody checks for you on FB
yoooooooooooooo how did i miss this thread? i'm dying over here.

this site almost makes me sick to my stomach. the wal-marts i go to aren't crawling with people of this stature.. this site makes wal-mart look like thehaven of earth scum.
Man my stomach hurts from laughing

I need to go to Wal-Mart more considering we have the biggest Wal-Mart in the country I am bound to see at least 2 hilarious things.
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