NT I think I just realized the club is a allusion.

Nov 5, 2015
My god the **** is such a side show. So much faking going on. I think I'm transitationining to that point in life where the club isn't what I used to think it was. Place is Filled and built on something I'm over. Idk if it's bc my first child just got here but my mindset has changed completely. I've had numberous 1 nighters and great times but it's just different now. Anybody feel me? Plus I'm here with my single right hand man and watching him take L's is cringeworthy. :lol:
Man club is buku overrated but it is fun to go out with your boys and your girl every once in a while. Myself personally I enjoy strip clubs more than actual clubs. I also prefer dive bars more than clubs. But if im feeling like getting bottles with the boys for a special occasion or something we may go to the club.

Overall, im with ya man clubs are overrated. Girls just on snapchat their wholetime not even cherishing the moment bro. Im 25 but when I was 21 (before snapchat) going out used to be so fun man
Trust me that club life was were it was at, especially one point in my life where I was in Scottsdale every weekend. My god.

I just paid 26 dollars for 2 Ketel ones and gingers. :x
im a versatile type of dude. i like bars, lounges, clubs, kickbacks at someone's spot, etc. imo just like everything in life, you place meaning to it. of course it's gonna be an allusion if you going to clubs with dudes who's main goal is to smash and if they don't, it's a bad night for them or just focused on dem O's who there just to stunt and get a high from just rejecting dudes. i definitely don't go to clubs or enjoy clubs as much as a younger me, but i still think clubs has a time and place. you feel me? plus, the girls at clubs are typically more attractive than the ones you see at bars. going clubbing is cool once in a while.
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Strictly go to pull. It's changed a lot. Like chicks worthless now. They don't even slew around the same.

Sports bars > Dives > Clubs > House/Frat > Hookah

Nothing kills my buzz or boils my blood more than someone tryna head there after hours... Smh.
Once you have something real, that club **** is for birds.

With all that being said its still fun to turn up every once in a while but on some every week ****? Naw.
Once you have something real, that club **** is for birds.

With all that being said its still fun to turn up every once in a while but on some every week ****? Naw.
I think you hit the nail on the head. The perfect answer what I was looking for
Once you have something real, that club **** is for birds.

With all that being said its still fun to turn up every once in a while but on some every week ****? Naw.

I wild out at the club one weekend a year with my homies from back home.  We have maaaad fun, but by the end of it, I'm ready to hit the crib and get back to my wife and kids.

For me it's a combo of getting older/wiser and exhausting the hell outta the club for years while younger.  Wed-Sat we were in the club in college.  Can't do it anymore.  
OP, i'm with you man. I'm gonna stop going to the club after i bag a jumpoff that I can get consistent play from. I'm using the club for my own sexual needs.

Wel,, I always did.
Cllub life died for me 2 years ago(26 now) use to hit the clubs everyday except tuesday :lol: smashed some nice lil thots tho :pimp:
Always hated clubs, I mean always. I'm not the dancing type, I don't drink much (anymore), and I hate people all in my personal space :lol:

I remember I went one year for my birthday with my boys and just walked outta that ***** after like 30 mins. It's just not my scene.
When your 3 rum and cokes deep and future comes on in the club > *
Other then that I'm not a club guy. Music to loud, can't talk to your homies. Gotta dance or post up and wait for females to come to you. Dive bars where it's at tho. I need to go to titty bars more often since they're on every block here.
If you watched the Atlanta club episode, I'm Earn to a tee. I become visibly upset in a club. I denounced clubs a long time ago, but I still end up in them every so often.

I've subscribed to the 'I don't do clubs' movement, and realized clubs were never for me. There are so many more social opportunities outside of clubs- Game Nights & Kickbacks >*
Once clubs lost a dress code it was all downhill from there. But mainly we're too old now (I'm 28) so it just doesn't feel the same.
Only value to being in the club is really the inflated percentage of persons interested in sex.

You can have a better drinking experience at home if your house is set up to entertain or at a decent bar for much cheaper.

You can enjoy music better through headphones or a home system.

You can find higher quality women in different settings with better prospect for a long term relationship

You can spend that money on something that is still in your possession the next day and perhaps even has value.
Not to mention the draining effect it has on the next day's productivity when you dont get up til at least noon.

....But "dancing" which is 20% dancing and 80% grinding and coppin feels while you spark that fire to end up going home  is still something thats always gonna be fun to me. But the cost and expended energy is just not worth it. 
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