Nt I was undercharged for a service. What would you do? UPDATE

Originally Posted by scshift

Don't feel pressured to pay the store back. But if I was in your position, I'd do it. I like to close all loose ends and if I'm worrying about an unfinished payment or think I'll regret it if I don't pay, I'll pay up.

Besides, you never know who you might be helping. But I would pay all the cash. Powerful, confident people will pay it back, because no dollar value is equal to the trust and respect you'll gain from doing a good deed in a world full of selfish, greedy people.
My dude Monta
Originally Posted by scshift

Don't feel pressured to pay the store back. But if I was in your position, I'd do it. I like to close all loose ends and if I'm worrying about an unfinished payment or think I'll regret it if I don't pay, I'll pay up.

Besides, you never know who you might be helping. But I would pay all the cash. Powerful, confident people will pay it back, because no dollar value is equal to the trust and respect you'll gain from doing a good deed in a world full of selfish, greedy people.
My dude Monta
i'm only honest about these things when i have an on-going relationship with the business, otherwise i take the extras and keep it moving. i'd advise you to take that same route.
i'm only honest about these things when i have an on-going relationship with the business, otherwise i take the extras and keep it moving. i'd advise you to take that same route.
Originally Posted by dland24

A few years ago I ordered a authentic SF Giants jersey which was $168.00 and was charged $16.80 when I checked my bank. I did NOT notify the company. In your case though, I would. Services are different than material goods. The jersey did not cost them the $16.80 that I actually was charged. So they still made money on me.

Thats my justification at least.
Would've done the same thing in that situation.

Anyways, OP, I think you should do the right thing and give them a call. You obviously had the extra bill you thought they were gonna charge you, so might as well pay what you owe. They might even discount the price so you'll still be winning.

Originally Posted by kiendienn

there's no such thing as karma. just do what you think is right, or treat others as you would treat yourself

you shouldn't have to do something because you want a reward (good karma) or some type of reciprocation, how about just being a decent human being?

leave that good karma/bad karma, if i sin or do good, i will go to heaven/hell. those scare tactics are for children, it's time to grow up and make decisions with your own morals.
Originally Posted by dland24

A few years ago I ordered a authentic SF Giants jersey which was $168.00 and was charged $16.80 when I checked my bank. I did NOT notify the company. In your case though, I would. Services are different than material goods. The jersey did not cost them the $16.80 that I actually was charged. So they still made money on me.

Thats my justification at least.
Would've done the same thing in that situation.

Anyways, OP, I think you should do the right thing and give them a call. You obviously had the extra bill you thought they were gonna charge you, so might as well pay what you owe. They might even discount the price so you'll still be winning.

Originally Posted by kiendienn

there's no such thing as karma. just do what you think is right, or treat others as you would treat yourself

you shouldn't have to do something because you want a reward (good karma) or some type of reciprocation, how about just being a decent human being?

leave that good karma/bad karma, if i sin or do good, i will go to heaven/hell. those scare tactics are for children, it's time to grow up and make decisions with your own morals.
keep it. i ordered a shirt but they messed up the order/didnt place it cuz it didnt show up in my purchase history on the site and i had them refund me the money. then i had the customer care person place the order themselves and a few days later it was outta stock 
 so they refunded the money again...like a fool i ordered something else 
 but when i went to pick up my second item the shirt was there as well
keep it. i ordered a shirt but they messed up the order/didnt place it cuz it didnt show up in my purchase history on the site and i had them refund me the money. then i had the customer care person place the order themselves and a few days later it was outta stock 
 so they refunded the money again...like a fool i ordered something else 
 but when i went to pick up my second item the shirt was there as well
Go back and pay them. 

They took the L because they offer an extra service that costs them money - accepting debit/credit cards.  Yes, they do that to increase their business, but it is also a convenience to you.  If they only took cash, you would not have posted this.  They will remember it if you go back to them.
Go back and pay them. 

They took the L because they offer an extra service that costs them money - accepting debit/credit cards.  Yes, they do that to increase their business, but it is also a convenience to you.  If they only took cash, you would not have posted this.  They will remember it if you go back to them.
Originally Posted by iWhipMyHeadovv

keep it. i ordered a shirt but they messed up the order/didnt place it cuz it didnt show up in my purchase history on the site and i had them refund me the money. then i had the customer care person place the order themselves and a few days later it was outta stock 
 so they refunded the money again...like a fool i ordered something else 
 but when i went to pick up my second item the shirt was there as well

Kinda the same thing happened to my roommate
He bought a cardigan and after he ordered it he was notified it was out of stock, so they refunded him the money.

2 weeks later the cardigan came in the mail and he didn't pay a cent for it.

It was like $65
Originally Posted by iWhipMyHeadovv

keep it. i ordered a shirt but they messed up the order/didnt place it cuz it didnt show up in my purchase history on the site and i had them refund me the money. then i had the customer care person place the order themselves and a few days later it was outta stock 
 so they refunded the money again...like a fool i ordered something else 
 but when i went to pick up my second item the shirt was there as well

Kinda the same thing happened to my roommate
He bought a cardigan and after he ordered it he was notified it was out of stock, so they refunded him the money.

2 weeks later the cardigan came in the mail and he didn't pay a cent for it.

It was like $65
Originally Posted by CreekShow

Ive been getting free xbox for like 3 weeks now. Do like me and take the W

did you pay with a CC or debit, if you haven't checked you might wanna look at it.
one time I paid for 3 months and I just thought that after the 3 months it would cut off

but it was still going, so I thought I was getting it free, turns out you have to cancel it or it will auto renew 
Originally Posted by CreekShow

Ive been getting free xbox for like 3 weeks now. Do like me and take the W

did you pay with a CC or debit, if you haven't checked you might wanna look at it.
one time I paid for 3 months and I just thought that after the 3 months it would cut off

but it was still going, so I thought I was getting it free, turns out you have to cancel it or it will auto renew 
There's some outstanding $$ that I never got back from some businesses but it was too little to spend too much time fighting over.

So, if the tables are turned and I get money off their mistake, I get to choose if I keep it or not.

Whatever the case, they always make the mistake, not me. That said, if I respect the business, I'll correct them and pay.
There's some outstanding $$ that I never got back from some businesses but it was too little to spend too much time fighting over.

So, if the tables are turned and I get money off their mistake, I get to choose if I keep it or not.

Whatever the case, they always make the mistake, not me. That said, if I respect the business, I'll correct them and pay.
Is it possible that the charge is still pending and you'll eventually get charged the full amount?
If the charge is cleared already I say take the W and keep it moving
Is it possible that the charge is still pending and you'll eventually get charged the full amount?
If the charge is cleared already I say take the W and keep it moving
Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

If people are saying do the right thing for karma, well what if this is good karma to OP for doing something before?
Just keep it moving fam.
This is how I always think
Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

If people are saying do the right thing for karma, well what if this is good karma to OP for doing something before?
Just keep it moving fam.
This is how I always think
Yo check it, heres the plan of action:

Be happy you saved a hundo
Call and demand to speak to the manager about how someone used your laptop to wack it on their lunch break
Get a full $110 refund

Optional (but highly suggested): Paypal your boy 2Lips something for the gameplan
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