NT Idk what I wanna be when I grow up

Oct 1, 2011
I was kinda wondering if you guys could help me pick out a major/career. I'm a freshman at FIU and I can't be "undecided" for much longer.
I wanna choose something that I'll enjoy and pays good.

Things I like: Sports (mostly baseball & basketball), Japanese cars and the "import" scene, girls, fashion, and money, music. pretty generic list

I would just study business but business calculus would rape me. I've pretty much cheated my way through every math class my entire life.

Possibilities: Study Recreational and Sports management so I can be a sports agent or something. Study Business so I can start my own, importing cars from japan 
Originally Posted by CraneStyle

Possibilities: Study Recreational and Sports management so I can be a sports agent or something.

I dont think thats how it works muh dude
Originally Posted by meb03

Originally Posted by CraneStyle

Possibilities: Study Recreational and Sports management so I can be a sports agent or something.

I dont think thats how it works muh dude
 I figured but i need guidance real talk
my advise to you bro is to speak to a career counselor or perhaps maybe a life coach. it'll help you gain some perspective.

also, I'd advise you to intern in some fields you're interested in (granted that you can qualify for an internship, a lot of them have scholastic requirements).

also bro, while going for a career that matches your interests sounds cool, it's not realistic. importing cars from Japan? really?......I can't even begin to imagine the overhead involved in such an undertaking.

Also most sports agents get chewed up and spit out. Unless you're from a T14 (Ivy League) college or have some MAJOR connections you're done before you've started. A lot of agents have attended law school or are former athletes. I'd advise you to perhaps read up on some bios on Scott Boras, Drew Rosenhaus and the like. 
Don't know what I truly want to do yet but I'm only 16. Lol. I got about 2 years to figure out..

Come at me, NT
Originally Posted by Navarretr

Don't know what I truly want to do yet but I'm only 16. Lol. I got about 2 years to figure out..

Come at me, NT

speak to a life coach/career counselor. go to a local university you're interested in and schedule an appointment with the advisors. 
work hard in school, and take the god damn SATs too many kids nowadays not doing that. slackers. 

listen fellas, no one on here is going to spoon-feed you a blueprint on success in life. ya'll need to take initiative. Right now the highest paying undergraduate degrees all involve engineering, mathematics, computers (information systems, engineering, programming etc), and then it all goes down hill from there (nursing isn't that bad of a field).

If you want to do what you "like", chances are you're coming out of college with a lot of debt and doing a job for 30-40K a year before taxes. However if you want to do something that you will truly enjoy and make money with then you can't coast through high school and college. You're going to have to work hard and stand out from everyone else that'll be wanting to aspire to do the same. You're going to have to have a high GPA you're going to have to go to a good university (or transfer into one after going to a community college) and there you're going to have to graduate at the top of your class (or amongst the top 10% at the very least) or be VERY adept at making connections (all while you're interning and working for a possible job).

Ya'll know what to do, get out there and do it kids. 
^ Thanks for the words of wisdom big bro. and yea seeking guidance from a counselor was the next step after NT lol
I appreciate the advice man. I've been thinking a lot about what I want to do.. I've been thinking about my grades and what I'm doing in school... I need to take the got damb SAT's as well..
I think a lot of it also is to go out and intern or work somewhere and see how you like it.  It's okay not to know what you wanna do even after college.  There are tons of people that finish school and realize they don't want to do what it is they're doing anymore.  It takes time and experience. 
Almost done with college and all my dream jobs are unrealistic. Can't imagine the 9-5 for the next 50 years.
Oh I forgot.  Make sure to NETWORK...you'll find out soon enough that it's more about WHO you know rather than WHAT you know.
My only advice to you is to think about it well. You don't really want to switch majors because it hurts your progress.
I'm in the same boat with you man. I have no idea what I want to do. Can anybody help me out? I want a career where I could be living comfortably but I'm not really good at Math or Science. I excel in English. Any suggestions? I was thinking teacher but that isn't going to satisfy me financially.
I'm 23 and still don't really know what i want to be. Switched majors three times already, smh.
Bump this. I know there's more NT'ers with great advice from personal experience or just from their knowledge. I was determined to enlist in either the army or marines after high school but having second thoughts now. I would still like to enlist but probably after I have a degree in something. So I would be at an alright position if/when I finish my contract.
You need to start researching different fields and what they entail...don't cross something out before you really get to know what is needed to make it in that field because you might have it. And to you guys saying your not good with this or that...understand that no matter what you choose your gonna have to work hard to get it. Nothing is gonna be handed to you.

As unconventional as this sounds you should take a personality test like the meyers brigg or the jung test. These i've found let you know more about yourself and it gives you careers that people with your specific personality type thrive in.

You need to get a careers/majors book or atleast go to a book store and look through one or at the library. Also talking to different people (family, older friends, friends of friends) is very helpful. I got into my major/field by a suggestion from my sister who made me sit down with her friend who explained the field better to me.
Originally Posted by jrdnsrnss

I'm 23 and still don't really know what i want to be. Switched majors three times already, smh.

I know that feel bro. 
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