NT, if I'm investing 3 stacks for my friend to play poker.. how much should I expect in returns?

Jul 23, 2008
Right now, I have it setup to where I get 50% of all profits up until I get my initial investment of $3,000 back, at which point I'll start taking 30% ofprofits until a certain cut-off value. The reason for this is because once he's made enough money to stand on his own, it wouldn't be fair for him tocontinue paying me a % of his profits (after all, he doesn't need my money anymore).

What do you guys think this cut-off should be? Hopefully this is an allowed topic...
Didn't an NTer borrow about that much money from someone, lose it on a drunken night of gambling, and never returned the money?

You get 50%...What game is he gonna be playing? $1/2 NL $50-200? If you are willing to lose 3K then set a limit where to cut it off at...for example 3 or 5K,so make him give u 50% untill he gives u ur 3K back plus whatever u guys agree to.
you shouldn't expect anything.. it's poker, not exactly a sound investment bro.

you should just hope he doesn't !%@+ up your money.
him using the 3g's to get himself on his feet > me potentially losing 3g's. not saying i wouldn't bat an eye with losing $3,000, but i do have alot of trust in him as he is a very good friend of mine.

i am just trying to figure out how much he should be paying me after the initial investment is returned. i'm leaning towards an agreement on how much timeafter he pays me, not an amount. your thoughts on this particular idea?
Originally Posted by recycledpaper

him using the 3g's to get himself on his feet > me potentially losing 3g's. not saying i wouldn't bat an eye with losing $3,000, but i do have a lot of trust in him as he is a very good friend of mine.

I mean, that's cool and all, but can the man play poker?

Originally Posted by Tfromthe617

you shouldn't expect anything.. it's poker, not exactly a sound investment bro.

You'd be surprised what a great player could run that 3k up to in a month.
Originally Posted by soltheman

Didn't an NTer borrow about that much money from someone, lose it on a drunken night of gambling, and never returned the money?

I remember that, but can't remember who the NTer was.
Originally Posted by Anthony Stark

Originally Posted by Tfromthe617

you shouldn't expect anything.. it's poker, not exactly a sound investment bro.

You'd be surprised what a great player could run that 3k up to in a month.

You'd shouldn't be surprised by how many people think they're great and lose that 3K in a couple of hours
Originally Posted by Tfromthe617

you shouldn't expect anything.. it's poker, not exactly a sound investment bro.

you should just hope he doesn't !%@+ up your money.

Lol to some people poker is for fun, for others it is an investment...I play poker part time for a living and im up over $2,000 since the first of theyear...last year i made 22K playing poker...I play about 3 to 4 times a week. 3K is enough to start a bankroll and get going, I started mine with $4,000 whichis 20 buy ins so i could afford to take some swings before i built a bankroll.
@Anthony Stark: yeah the man can play. what he tells me though is that even when he wins money, he can never have enough to ride out the waves of a cold spell.he needs a higher bankroll so that when he takes a hit, he doesn't get discouraged and can just keep going. if you have any advice, please let me know.i'm open to all thoughts and advice.

@TheHealth: My question is mostly concerned with when I should cut off that residual income. He's a good friend, not some dude I want to keep taking profitfrom even when he's on his own feet. I was thinking maybe after a certain amount or a certain time period, I can just take 10% of his winnings for the restof his poker career (unless he buys me out or something).
I think it all depends on how long it takes you to recover your three thousand.

If you recover it in a month or two, I would make the cutoff about double the time it took him to recover it.

I wouldn't make it a cutoff amount.

But that's just me.
Originally Posted by JayPesoz

Originally Posted by Anthony Stark

Originally Posted by Tfromthe617

you shouldn't expect anything.. it's poker, not exactly a sound investment bro.

You'd be surprised what a great player could run that 3k up to in a month.

You'd shouldn't be surprised by how many people think they're great and lose that 3K in a couple of hours

Trust me, I know.

If the dude can actually play though, its a sound investment.

I would have to know a lot more info if I was the one lending him the money.
I am assuming a few things, he can play fairly well, you trust him and you know nothing about business.....

Does he have any money to match with??? if not, think of it as a business, he as the ideas/skill you have the money...you recoup OG investment and collect 50%of the profits after that.....no cut off!!!!

in reality, I would not give him a cent.....I supported myself for 3 years playing poker and I learned that if he has no money now, he cant be that good.......
Originally Posted by MnMballa2323

Originally Posted by Tfromthe617

you shouldn't expect anything.. it's poker, not exactly a sound investment bro.

you should just hope he doesn't !%@+ up your money.

Lol to some people poker is for fun, for others it is an investment...I play poker part time for a living and im up over $2,000 since the first of the year...last year i made 22K playing poker...I play about 3 to 4 times a week. 3K is enough to start a bankroll and get going, I started mine with $4,000 which is 20 buy ins so i could afford to take some swings before i built a bankroll.

yep you get exactly the situation i'm in. i'm open to your thoughts about my matter. i don't want to invest 3g's, with the potential to lose itall for nothing, and then only make 3-5g's back when my friend can continue to make stacks and stacks after we're done. i'm not greedy, but i'dalso like things to be fair.
Originally Posted by bustinxjustin

I think it all depends on how long it takes you to recover your three thousand.

If you recover it in a month or two, I would make the cutoff about double the time it took him to recover it.

I wouldn't make it a cutoff amount.

But that's just me.

yeah i hear you, i'm thinking of a cutoff time period as well. that way, if he's caking it, i'm caking it. if he's hurting, i'm not make itworse by taking more funds.
I mean, if he really is talented, he wouldn't need your money to play.

He strikes me as a player who might have the ability to play, but doesn't have the ability to manage his money.

And that's a HUGE red flag.
This will fail. You shouldn't give him the money if he isn't good at poker. Since he is asking you for money then he isn't a good at poker.
Originally Posted by Anthony Stark

Originally Posted by JayPesoz

Originally Posted by Anthony Stark

Originally Posted by Tfromthe617

you shouldn't expect anything.. it's poker, not exactly a sound investment bro.

You'd be surprised what a great player could run that 3k up to in a month.

You'd shouldn't be surprised by how many people think they're great and lose that 3K in a couple of hours

Trust me, I know.

If the dude can actually play though, its a sound investment.

I would have to know a lot more info if I was the one lending him the money.

True, but homie in your avy is probably the only dude I'd ever lend money to play poker with. Anybody else, I might as well have fun losing itmyself
Originally Posted by DublBagn

I am assuming a few things, he can play fairly well, you trust him and you know nothing about business.....

Does he have any money to match with??? if not, think of it as a business, he as the ideas/skill you have the money...you recoup OG investment and collect 50% of the profits after that.....no cut off!!!!

in reality, I would not give him a cent.....I supported myself for 3 years playing poker and I learned that if he has no money now, he cant be that good.......

i do know a bit about business, but not in the sense of funding and what's appropriate to take. this is where NT really helps, the advice and experience ofothers can help me a lot. i appreciate your response.

on the other hand, and i know it's lame because you should never involve business, money, and your friends, but in this situation, as a friend, taking 50%for the rest of his poker career is something i don't want to do because i don't believe it's fair. especially since the payout can besignificantly greater than the initial investment. for example, if i wanted to start a yogurt place and it only cost 50g's to make and my friend fronted50g's straight up, if i made 1mil my first year, i wouldn't be happy with giving him 50% of that for the rest of my store's life, just because itwouldn't be fair to me IMO.
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