NT, is it ever too late to get circumsized vol. the ardvark be scaring chics

So what so what's so what's the scenario!

Meant to post this yesterday, but..

Update for fellow reptilians:

Met a stripper last week, went to kick it at her crib late saturday night.. she was the FIRST to hit me with the question, but thanks to the Ciroc (
Iknow..) I diddy bopped around it like it was nothin.. here's how it went..

Me: I aint gon have to pull the 9 out if somebody comes in here am I?
Her: Naww.. and where the hell you hidin a 9 at anyways?
Me: *Drops Draws*

You not circumsized?
Me: nahh just pull it back
Her: lay down..

Best brain I ever had too.. gotta admit she was like a drunk 7 tho, cute face body looked better on myspace, but i NEEDED that nut
Originally Posted by xcg11pinoYx

y'all dudes are wild

my cousin told this story millions of times to our friends/family etc..he got it done when our family went back home to the PI (about to be a teenager I guess?)..what they did was stick a needle on this side of the junk
to obviously numb it, then start the procedure..but after, they cast and bandaid it up and everything at a level position so it had him walking around like he had a boner

which always reminds me of the jack*#($ episode with johnny knoxville in the yoga class
goddam this thread funny, and thats just terrible

and cardo JR, LINK
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