NT - Keep it real, do you purposely wait 3 hours to respond to a text?

depends. If it's someone I'm cool with then I'll get to it pretty quickly.

If it's someone who annoys the hell outta me tho they might not get an answer for 3 or 4 days.
is that what the text game is now adays....?

3 hours I probably would have forgotten to respond by then

Either I respond at that time or I don't bother
i will usually respond in a decent amount of time unless im busy then its whenever i can.
I'm usually busy or just forget to txt back most of the time. People who take real long to txt me back I usually don't even bother with unless theykeep nagging and texting me over and over. Funny thing is when you don't respond to them they send you a text every minute then once you respond they stilltake like 2 hours torespond, it's like they purposely do it to piss you off
I get enough poon to the point that I dont need to overthink how long to wait before I respond to a text.
text to my boy hella quick. i take my time textin chicks, but usually dont just deliberately waste hella time before sending a text....
Depends how lazy im am. Sometime i get to lazy to simply type out a text.

Say i accidently leave my phone somewhere im not like downstairs or my room, if it rings i will not be getting it unless i happen to go that directions forsomething.

I dont see why someone would wait mad time to type out a text, unless they were trying to make it real creative.
I remember when I first started texting in 8th grade I would always wait exactly 3 minutes to reply so I didn't seem bored or thirsty.

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