NT Law Experts, help!

Dec 17, 2007
So heres the deal, I've been trying to sublease my apartment because the rent is too much for my student budget. A few days ago some kid msg's me on facebook that Ambling (the management company that runs the apt complex I live in) referred me as a potential roommate (they do individual leasing). So I told him he could just sublease my bedroom from me, since its larger than the other bedroom and cheaper as he'd be paying $775 rather than $825. So he calls management and they tell him that I cant transfer my lease to him because of something along the lines of he belongs to them and they've been working with him for a while now. But he hasn't signed any sort of confidentiality forms or anything. This is all a trap to get more money from me 

my question is.. is this legal? To prevent person A to transfer his lease to Person B who was referred Person A as a potential roommate by Company X that owns the premises?
does it mention anything about being able to sublet or assign your lease to someone else?

if it mentions that you can't sublet, you're SOL.
if it mentions that you can't assign your lease to someone, you're SOL.

if it doesn't, you are free to sublet or assign your lease...but remember:
-if you sublet your apartment, you are still responsible for the payments...so if the guy who sublets doesn't pay, it's your %%*!
-if you assign your lease to someone, they acquire the rights and responsibilities, and they become responsible for the rent.
How much time is left on your lease, what is your total rent, and what is the cost of early termination?
Its in my contract that I can sublease & transfer the lease. But only to other students (since it is student housing). 
Also, way back in November they wanted to know if i'd be renewing my lease for another year, and if I was they would make my rent $775 instead of $810. but If i didnt sign the form in november regardless if i was renewing or not my rent would go up to $825. Being unsure of my current living situation, i signed  it but things changed and if I live her next year, i straight up wont be able to pay rent. There is no early termination fee either.. all leases are one year final. I don't see why they won't let me transfer my lease to this other dude, they aren't losing anything at all.
Originally Posted by tkay dot

Its in my contract that I can sublease & transfer the lease. But only to other students (since it is student housing). 
Also, way back in November they wanted to know if i'd be renewing my lease for another year, and if I was they would make my rent $775 instead of $810. but If i didnt sign the form in november regardless if i was renewing or not my rent would go up to $825. Being unsure of my current living situation, i signed  it but things changed and if I live her next year, i straight up wont be able to pay rent. There is no early termination fee either.. all leases are one year final. I don't see why they won't let me transfer my lease to this other dude, they aren't losing anything at all.

They are losing if he takes your lease. If he takes over your lease, the apt is getting $775, but if he doesn't they're getting your $775 and the $810 from him. The apt is right in this instance because he went to them first. There's still nothing stopping you from finding another student to take your lease.
Originally Posted by tkay dot

Its in my contract that I can sublease & transfer the lease. But only to other students (since it is student housing). 
Also, way back in November they wanted to know if i'd be renewing my lease for another year, and if I was they would make my rent $775 instead of $810. but If i didnt sign the form in november regardless if i was renewing or not my rent would go up to $825. Being unsure of my current living situation, i signed  it but things changed and if I live her next year, i straight up wont be able to pay rent. There is no early termination fee either.. all leases are one year final. I don't see why they won't let me transfer my lease to this other dude, they aren't losing anything at all.

They are losing if he takes your lease. If he takes over your lease, the apt is getting $775, but if he doesn't they're getting your $775 and the $810 from him. The apt is right in this instance because he went to them first. There's still nothing stopping you from finding another student to take your lease.
Originally Posted by rsdplaya

is it hard to find someone to take it over?
yeah, the complex i live on is slowly getting a bad reputation on campus for raising rent, imposing charges for stupid things like leaving your bike on your patio, having a very nosy maintenance staff and an incredibly unhelpful customer service. That combined with the fact that most students already have their living situation settled... its tough
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