NT Lawyers: Child custody/ immigration question....

Sep 5, 2000
Alright here is the cliff notes version:
My female cousin used love and married this dude(paid for everything) and wanted to get her citizenship but dude flaked and didn't sign the papers tocontrol her. In addition, she had two shorties with dude.
So, my cousin shook him and he became salty and called the INS on her.
Now the dude is calling her saying to turn her self in because homeland security is trying to deport her.
The guy is a a straight &!%#@ he's broke lives off the county and brainwashes the kids to hate her. Also, calls saying what is going to do to her butwhen I get on the phone he freezes up.
Now, I'm trying to find the best lawyer... NT do you have other advice to help her and the shorties out in this situation.
p.s I'm in L.A., Cali
Originally Posted by CL552k1

Alright here is the cliff notes version:
My female cousin used love and married this dude(paid for everything) and wanted to get her citizenship but dude flaked and didn't sign the papers to control her. In addition, she had two shorties with dude.
So, my cousin shook him and he became salty and called the INS on her.
Now the dude is calling her saying to turn her self in because homeland security is trying to deport her.
The guy is a a straight &!%#@ he's broke lives off the county and brainwashes the kids to hate her. Also, calls saying what is going to do to her but when I get on the phone he freezes up.
Now, I'm trying to find the best lawyer... NT do you have other advice to help her and the shorties out in this situation.
p.s I'm in L.A., Cali

That's a damn shame...but why did your cousing have 2 kids with him knowing he's a broke guy?

Did he make an agreement with her saying he would get her her citizenship? If he didn't there's no "flaking"...she was jut assuming.

Not trying to get on his side or w/e but you can understand how it sounds: "yea she had kids with him and now she's mad because she can'tbecome a citizen".

Or maybe i'm just jaded when it comes to females in general...

The whole time he said he was going to marry her but he it came time to it he flaked. Plus, she was 16 and he was 27 when they met...

and even though you get married the spouse has to sign the papers so you can became a citizen
I thought once you had children with a citizen you became a citizen. That sucks for your cousin. Sounds like this guy is a real piece of +%+%.
Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

if they were married wouldn't she automatically become a citizen?
Not right away. Its a long process and it takes a couple of years.
First off, have your ppls record the conversations somehow, he's threatenin her so that's a strike against him. How is her livin conditions? Stablehome, employment, etc. In some cases, since she's been here for a while I'm sure the govt will work w/ her as far as custody and deportation isconcerned. Also, u are a witness (kinda) to the verbal threats over the phone. Tell anyone not to do anything that'll hurt her in court i.e. threateninhim, vandalism, extortion, etc. Try to get as much evidence as possible, and log it cronologically by date and time. Posession is 9/10 of the law and I'msure she can win.

I found a site that offeres low-cost/free legal assistance in ur area. Hope this helps

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