NT loves to butcher figures of speech vol. Irv Gotti in the club

My man just texted this to me, he works for the Postal Service.

so they were passing out waters at work today…and they handed one of the older lady’s a water…she refused it saying “uh uh…that ain’t enough…I need something w/ metrolytes in it”. "METRO lytes." they clowned her saying you mean electrolytes…they said what the hell is metrolytes…I felt bad for her so I took up for her and said I heard of both
Group chat is talking about mispronunciations now.

Another one of my dudes said.

When I was at Comcast, a older customer was telling me why she switched to Comcast. She said she was leaving, “…PERIZON”. I said to myself, “Did she just say PERIZON?” She was still talking and said, “… Customer service at that PERIZON was terrible…” I said to myself, “She definitely just said, “PERIZON”.
This insta personality dresses like Dora da Explora and plays the backpack song and does a funny walk and pretends to steal stuff. Branded himself “Klep-tora”

Beyoncé started doing a dance at her concerts that looks exactly like the kleptora backpack dance.

Dude jokingly started a beef with Beyoncé, claiming she copied his dance and he’s gonna sue.

Showed up at her concert, and she saw him and shouted him out. But she called him Cleopatra :rofl: come on Bey!

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