NT, my brother passed away

my condolences. seeking vengeance through violence will not bring your brother back. be strong, and better your life as your brother would've wanted.
Sorry to hear that OP. I know how you feel - I lost my younger/only brother 4 yrs ago to suicide.Then a few months ago we buried my uncle from an overdose.

I'll admit, I hated everyone besides family & blamed myself for a few weeks after my brother's passing. Trust me though, soon you will come to your senses & realize that's not what he wants you to do. You will realize that even though its hard, life goes on & the world wont stop. You have to keep clean & living life , not just for him, but for your other loved ones. It will help you alot by just being their for your parents, because I'm sure they are going through it too.

I'll pray for you & your fam.
If you feel the need to get anything off you chest feel free to pm or ask me bruh.
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Sorry for your loss. I can't imagine the pain you are going through but try to hold your head. RIP to your bro.
Im sorry to hear that. I can't even imagine how hard it must be to lose somebody that close to oneself. But be strong and don't succumb to the drugs again.
I'm very sorry OP.
Pick up where your brother left off and remain clean.
Stay close to your family and help each other heal.
RIP to your brother. Drugs are a *****... Stay clean, for him.
RIP to your brother
.  Best thing you can do is stay clean, so drugs don't claim both of you.  I'm sure your brother would be proud to see you overcome that disease.  Keep your head up man...
Damn man...
That addiction is a monster.
Condilences to your fam, help them hold it together
Damn....RIP man.

Stay clean at his funeral, stay clean for the rest of your life man. Honor him living a life he would want you to live....a life he tried to life...
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