NT my mom had a Massive stroke please pray for my mom**(update on page 4)**

Sorry to hear that bro it's a scary thing seeing mom's like that. Definitely in my prayers and best wishes to your fam
I'm prayin that your moms pulls through. Just keep your head up and be the rock your family needs to get through this difficult time. Let us come into agreement that your mother will make a 100% recovery
damn thats horrible man, my dad had a stroke a few years back as well so i know what your going through. hope she feels better man, things will be fine.
Thanks for everything my NT Fam

just got home from the hospital been there since 11:00 in the morning. but she can eat regular foods now
still has everyone laughing. she can move her left arm and leg just a little but therapy should help
thank good that her blood clot is gone so now she can make a good recovery but the only bad thing is that she has swelling in the brain which is making her have headache
but there just waiting for the swelling to go down the crazy thing is that she had a blood clot yesterday but to day it is gone god has answer my prayers
i have gone through a lot of stuff in my life but this is by far the worse i have dealt with

and if any one has good success story please post them here it would help me out a great deal

once again thanks NT Fam
Sent a prayer out for your mom man. I hope she gets back to her old self and pulls through. On mothers day too, smh.
glad to see shes on her way to recovery..
I can only imagine how scary it must have been to see your mom in that state.. stay up..
Man happy to hear thing are looking up.

This is actually one of my worst fears. I work with senior citizens, many of whom are stroke victims, so I have seen everything from mild strokes to really bad ones. If I hear loud noises I always check on my parents. If I hear them coughing too much in there sleep or something I check on them. Im actually kind of paranoid of them having something happen like this or a heart attack.

I will definitely pray for you, real talk. Stay up.
Originally Posted by jamergrady

Thanks for everything my NT Fam

just got home from the hospital been there since 11:00 in the morning. but she can eat regular foods now
still has everyone laughing. she can move her left arm and leg just a little but therapy should help
thank good that her blood clot is gone so now she can make a good recovery but the only bad thing is that she has swelling in the brain which is making her have headache
but there just waiting for the swelling to go down the crazy thing is that she had a blood clot yesterday but to day it is gone god has answer my prayers
i have gone through a lot of stuff in my life but this is by far the worse i have dealt with

and if any one has good success story please post them here it would help me out a great deal

once again thanks NT Fam

no problem, homey...

but you are the strongest one in here....

no need to thank us...

thank god for gettin you and your mom thru...

we just helped .00001% on a grand scale....
I tried REALLY REALLY hard to ignore this post ALL day, but I just couldn't. I'll be throwing your S/N in my prayers tonight. My God, how I do feel sorry for you son.. Good luck. PM me if you need support. I almost wanna PM you my cell number. Just know on some real +#!! I'm here for you, no matter how gay that comes off.
hope your mom gets better , i know how you feel my mom has high blood pressure..
Damn. Honestly if my mother had a stroke, i wouldnt know what to do. id be like that oh no's gif. My mom is all i got and all i care for. You, Your fam, and your mom are in my prays yo.
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