NT: my teacher straddles the desk in class.

Originally Posted by Jaye05

Originally Posted by supra97RX7

you took pics!

anyone call him out on it

nah, when he does it. the whole class just starts laughing then he looks around and continues...
at first i was like 'he better have pics'. then i saw the pics and was like ok cool.... until i saw that it was a man. delete thread.
i really expected a story and some pics of a fine teacher in glasses and a button up crawling on a desk.
I have a teacher like that at my school, the guy will come up to your desk and rest his... parts on the edge. He also wears a (strategically placed) fannypack.

The secret to getting an A in the class? Being a girl.
teachers are weird, i had one that was old and rest her arms on her chest and it was really distracting. I had one one that sat on the desk and crossed hislegs all the time. and most recent i just busted out laughing in class at this teacher, hes always talking about food and hes just awkward, peep the shoes.

@!%....made me laugh then I started to wonder how is that comfortable.....then I tried it with my desk.....learned it was not comfortable...
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