NT name a country or region of the world you would like to visit

Originally Posted by flight23air

I always get the feeling that Brazil is where its at.
If "its" means STD's, you are correct.
Japan (Tokyo,Kyoto, Osaka to be exact. Wherever the arcades are crackin. Planning on going next year
Originally Posted by dendanskesimon


thats for everyone saying south africa

I've been, it's amazing. Shut up.

To everyone taking about Spain - go!!! Probably my fav country to visit, my mom's side of the family is Spanish, so I started going at an early age andit's always been incredible.
AF1 Beast wrote:
Puerto Rican Women-


I see lots of booty shots here on NT but this one is spectacular, beautiful and arousing. I an really identify with that bamboo stalk.
Japan and London. Japan because I have a fascination with samurais and the discipline associated with the culture. London because I love the cynical humor oftheir people and the prestige associated with their royal backgrounds. The shopping wouldn't be too bad either
Sweden because the women there are

around that Syria, Israel, Egypt area. some historic stuff to be learned there
somewhere in south america or africa..

two of the three continents i've never been to.

doubt i'll ever get the urge to hit antarctica.
Originally Posted by Id Walk a Mile for a Camel

Originally Posted by dendanskesimon


thats for everyone saying south africa
I've been, it's amazing. Shut up.
way over half of the people mentioning africa ONLY mention south africa, thats just dumb. There are plenty of other countries in africa thatprobably have more to offer AND havent had the worlds highest murder and theft rates for years
Originally Posted by dendanskesimon

Originally Posted by Id Walk a Mile for a Camel

Originally Posted by dendanskesimon


thats for everyone saying south africa
I've been, it's amazing. Shut up.
way over half of the people mentioning africa ONLY mention south africa, thats just dumb. There are plenty of other countries in africa that probably have more to offer AND havent had the worlds highest murder and theft rates for years

So? Name a city in sub-Saharan Africa that is even approaches Cape Town as a tourist destination. I'll wait.
I want to live in Spain. My dream location is Barcelona so I can see my fav team play.
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