NT need help CAR PRANK!!!

Oct 18, 2006
so i go out to my car today and its covered wiht cookies (sorry no pics). come to find out it was some chick. i wanna get her back but dont wanna ruin her car.what are some things to do to her car that wont cause damage.
saran wrap around the entire car...underneath and around so she cant open her doors and what not....probably one of my favorite car pranks....works everythimebut your gonna need a whole lot of saran wrap
if you can get inside the car..put confetti in the defrost vent and leave turn preset the ac on full blast. when she starts her car in the morning it willshoot out everywhere.
yah i think im gunna go wiht the post it notes since i have +%** load already ill make sure to tkae pictures. thkans
post it notes is great...and the usual soaping of the windows always works. Sarah Wrap can get pricey so get the 99 cent store brand!
get those crates for drinks and stuff and get you friends to put her back wheels on it and when she starts her car and goes she will be driftingggg hahaha
Originally Posted by DUNKINLO

Cut her break lines or bleed all the break fluid,
I bet she'll get the surprise of her life

she covered the car in cookies not blood bro

i guess you can cover her car in milk? but i dont think she will see the milk lol
or print out a HUGE picture ofa cookie and tape it to her car. with someindustrial tape
This is what i did:

My cousin came over to my cousins house and when he went in the house like an hour later me and one of my cousins went outside and teepid his car with toiletpaper... then when he went out went out the backdoor and hid behind the a white van, but my stupid cousin couldnt keep his mouth shut from laughing.. so heherd people behind the van and he got scared and start running back to the house.. hes kinda chubby so it was funny how he ran.. lolll
Put a note on her car, saying


i did this to my friend and she spent forever looking for where her car was hit

but make sure she doesnt call the cops or anything

leave your number or your friends number on the note, and when she calls it you can tell her its a joke
Originally Posted by icykicks79

This is what i did:

My cousin came over to my cousins house and when he went in the house like an hour later me and one of my cousins went outside and teepid his car with toilet paper... then when he went out went out the backdoor and hid behind the a white van, but my stupid cousin couldnt keep his mouth shut from laughing.. so he herd people behind the van and he got scared and start running back to the house.. hes kinda chubby so it was funny how he ran.. lolll


i just got back from doing the sticky note thing tell me how to post pics from my computer and ill post them
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