Nt! Need help! How to make a fake link to a website!?!?

Mar 26, 2005
I've seen it done on here a few times. Don't you hate it when someone text you like "what time does the mall close" instead of using google to find it. My friend does it all the time and it's annoying. So I'm asking if anyone knows how to make those links and it sends them right to google instead of the website it's supposed to be. Thanks for the help. (Please don't do it to me) haha
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This seems like twice the work. 
Wouldn't it be much easier to just tell him what time the mall closes?
that was an example but seriously he'll be like " whats the cowboys score" know damn well he has the cowboys and espn app, or seriously asking if someone has the number for a resturant, it gets annoying when he keeps doing it for the most stupidest things.
Id help you OP but I'm on my phone so I think it's best I sit this one out.

bunch of jerks here

I got you OP

You got me 
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