NT- need help with a female situation for friday (New) PICS

Friske- her "perks" package is also quite good- nice place right near school, season tickets to a sports team i like (4th row!)(we've gone a few times) and she has money. But yea, I actually genuinely like her as well
Originally Posted by WJG23G

Friske- her "perks" package is also quite good- nice place right near school, season tickets to a sports team i like (4th row!)(we've gone a few times) and she has money. But yea, I actually genuinely like her as well
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I hear you, but when she's saying +$#% like "let's just be friends", has another dude on the side, and your own intuition is telling you that you're being friendzoned etc etc.. you're being played. It would be one thing if you were using her crib, sports tickets and she was buying you +$#% while you were messing with some other females, but you are NOT this chicks primary focus, but you seem to be content with the position she has placed you in [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)].. W/e makes you happy man.[/color]
Cancel that date.

For future reference...

RULE #1 when dealing with females: Don't make yourself available. If she needs someone to talk to, that's what her friends are for. The more she has to track you down, the more interested she'll be. Offer her her small signs of hope that you're available, but don't make time for any friendzone activity. The only time you make for her is when it's on your terms and your terms should always lead back to your place for sex.
I agree with 21 shots.

How the hell she giving advice when she can't even figure out her own social/relationship problems.
Most girls love it when they have a guy crazy for them. Leave her behind there's plenty fish in the sea. Eventually she'll realize she had the guy she was looking for in front of her. Then it'll be up to you
A while back, you posted up that this chick was not letting you smash and that you were having sleepovers or some noise if I remember.

Fast forward - you get yourself in a pseudo relationship with a chick who already has a dude long distance.

No offense on the next part:
My guess is you hit the SIMP button with as much authority as you possibly could and were this chicks little pet. She dug this for a while cause you were always around helping her with this and that and making her feel comfortable in class and at school. Now she gets over the little lovey dovey "o he's so nice" stage and realizes that you are way too nice. Most chicks want a MAN not a little boy who say's how high when they say jump. Some chicks are into the super needy guy because they are super needy. Ya, those chicks suck and those dudes suck as well so lets let them suck together in a coffee shop talking about their feelings.

BE A MAN - take her out to this formal, be a gentleMAN and treat her how you would treat your full time girlfriend. Realistically if you want this girl to be into you on a different level than friends then you need to be the one that initiates that scenario because she is obviously trying to stay out of that end of the pool. You need to dive head first into the deep in with authority and if it dont fly chalk it up as an L and move on. If your gonna be a lawyer you will have plenty of time to stack chicks a mile high in the future.

On a side note: Focus on law school man, seems like a better option than focusing on a chick that doesn't know what/who she wants in life
Originally Posted by Frische Produkte

she said that i "didn't know how to handle her."
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Some other guy is ravaging her box[/color]

"lets just be friends,"

she still texts me a lot (slightly more flirtatious this week then last), but i feel like i am slipping into the friend/dead zone.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Slowly but surely.
I was thinking of making myself scarce for a bit
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Should've did that right after she said "Lets just be friends" [/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Anyway, in my opinion, this chick is toying around with you. Dead it now before it goes any further. [/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Also, by the sound of it, doesn't seem like you have options... update that contact list my man. Should never let a chick mess with you like that.. and you're seriously willing to play bf  #2? The hell is wrong with you? [/color]

Cosign everything..and I dont think he has a choice in playing bf # 2 like you said sounds like he has no one else.
Most of the advice you are getting is on point. Here's mine:

Let this girl be. Even if you two have a phenomenal night and she tells you she wants to be with you, you still have to live with the fact that she didn't want to be with you initially. And the only thing that change her mind is that you're physically there while her long distance guy isn't. From one void filler to another, leave her alone.
but really, have you smashed or done anything sexual yet? you might have been in the friend zone this whole time
Wait, arent you the dude who used to go over her place and cuddle with no action?
If so, you took the L form the beginning.
Originally Posted by illmatickal

didn't you make a post about this girl a while back?

deja vu, when i seen the pic.
think i remember that too
, i remember having the hots for the girl in blue on the left.


Originally Posted by bijald0331

StaXX wrote:
Originally Posted by Regal Black

have you already made a thread about her before?  Could've sworn I seen that pic posted here before.

Beat me to it.
Originally Posted by Frische Produkte

she said that i "didn't know how to handle her."
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Some other guy is ravaging her box[/color]

"lets just be friends,"

she still texts me a lot (slightly more flirtatious this week then last), but i feel like i am slipping into the friend/dead zone.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Slowly but surely.
I was thinking of making myself scarce for a bit
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Should've did that right after she said "Lets just be friends" [/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Anyway, in my opinion, this chick is toying around with you. Dead it now before it goes any further. [/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Also, by the sound of it, doesn't seem like you have options... update that contact list my man. Should never let a chick mess with you like that.. and you're seriously willing to play bf  #2? The hell is wrong with you? [/color]

what he said.
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