NT Official Dark Knight Question Thread

joker is that dude.


Originally Posted by caLiwestcoast1

to the thread starter i think we should make this a official dark knight questions thread...4reals

well, joker said you have all these rules and he did say that you have to play my game if you wanna save one of them...thats why it was a game batman didnt know that...joker knew harvey was corruptable and he can change him that why at the end he was like i found my ace in the hole and mines harvey...he took gothams white knight and he brought him down to batman/jokers level...the joker switched the places because he wanted batman to save dent because but if he told him the real places batman wasnt gonna save dent...harvey was the face of gotham and what a way to ruin gotham by ruining their city's hero...batman showed his soft spot(rachel) and joker knew that and took advantage of it...batman tells gordon at the end that the truth wasnt good enough...sometimes people deserve to have their faith rewarded (gotham had their faith on harvey) and he didnt want that to be ruined cause the joker cannot win (in gothams eyes) so he took the heat and the burden...ironically, batmans/bruces faith was for rachel and him to be together but as batmans hero alfred (who burned the letter) he wanted bruce to have his faith rewarded and never knew the the truth...so all in all joker won he screwed batman and bruce wayne
Yup, and what a way to go about doin' it...

Just to answer the OG question, Joker switched the addresses.
Originally Posted by 51and3rd

How are you guys confused on who he was intending to save when he was clearly asked who he was goin for and he shouted out racheals name?

Exactly! Also, Joker tells different stories about his scars b/c he's forgotten how he got them due to his craziness, or something like that. I believe healso mentions he likes having multiple choices in the comics too, hence the different stories.
Originally Posted by caLiwestcoast1

to the thread starter i think we should make this a official dark knight questions thread...4reals

well, joker said you have all these rules and he did say that you have to play my game if you wanna save one of them...thats why it was a game batman didnt know that...joker knew harvey was corruptable and he can change him that why at the end he was like i found my ace in the hole and mines harvey...he took gothams white knight and he brought him down to batman/jokers level...the joker switched the places because he wanted batman to save dent because but if he told him the real places batman wasnt gonna save dent...harvey was the face of gotham and what a way to ruin gotham by ruining their city's hero...batman showed his soft spot(rachel) and joker knew that and took advantage of it...batman tells gordon at the end that the truth wasnt good enough...sometimes people deserve to have their faith rewarded (gotham had their faith on harvey) and he didnt want that to be ruined cause the joker cannot win (in gothams eyes) so he took the heat and the burden...ironically, batmans/bruces faith was for rachel and him to be together but as batmans hero alfred (who burned the letter) he wanted bruce to have his faith rewarded and never knew the the truth...so all in all joker won he screwed batman and bruce wayne

alright, thread title changed. good looks.
i havent seen the movie since the theatres, but doesnt batman intend to save dent?? If i remember correctly, batman told dent he was the hero gotham has beenlooking for and he was the savior and whatnot. isnt that why batman saves him??

i could be wrong, thats just what i remember
batman told dent he was the hero gotham has been looking for and he was the savior and whatnot. isnt that why batman saves him??

While we are at analyzing every last bit of TDK I might as well mention it. But one of the beginning scenes where Batman jumps off the ledge in the parkinggarage onto the van, anyone ever notice that the van stops right before he lands? Now that car had to be going 25 mph at least. Why would the driver just stopout of nowhere so Batman could crush it like that? huh?
Originally Posted by enyceking

Originally Posted by enyceking

no thread jack but why does joker tell two different stories about how he got the scars on his face???????????????
it's from the graphic novel "the killing joke" which the movie was based off of. there's not single story that defines how orwhere the joker got his scars in the book he says that if he has to have a story for his past he wants it to be multiple choice.

Originally Posted by baik

no threadjack but another question....

when the bomb blew inside the dude at the police station....how is it that every cop went down for the count and this dude joker walks out like that?

you remind me of my bro

Bro- "How was it that the bomb went off and he didnt get killed, thats just stupid and impossible"
just watch the fking movie
Joker switch's it because he has lied so many times that he doesnt even know the truth anymore.
In the comics, there's a bunch of different stories as to how the Joker got the way he was.

I think they used two different stories, because they didn't really want to go with only one. They wanted the audience to wonder.

That's how I feel at least.
In the killing joke, the joker says that he prefers that his Origin be "multliple Choice". The ambiguous nature of his character and his beginning isthe driving force is the character...Thats why he doesn't have a weakness...
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

In the comics, there's a bunch of different stories as to how the Joker got the way he was.

I think they used two different stories, because they didn't really want to go with only one. They wanted the audience to wonder.

That's how I feel at least.
Yeah thats pretty true
Originally Posted by torgriffith

I think he gave him the right address. Batman knew that in order for him to be with Rachel, he would need someone take his spot which would be Dent.

That was the point. The Joker throughout the whole movie was trying to show Batman, as much as he thought he was a real hero, that he couldn't be.

Batman got caught up living a double life and the Joker fed off of that and used it show Batman that he couldn't do both. His whole struggle throughout

the movie is Batman being over extended and causing more harm than help. The fact remains that Gotham is a corrupt city. The Joker is trying to destroy

the corrupt city while Batman wants to protect it. Plus Batman is a corporate mogule and has much to financially gain from Gotham. So Batman is

living/playing on both sides while the Joker knows his place which makes him far more effective. Batman is naturally going to catch hell trying maintain a

corrupt status quo. So to sum it up, I think he had the right addresses and he knew it, but it was gonna be hard for him to do both and that was the

point. To slap him with it in the face and show him that he couldn't do both. It's either one or the other.

Batman was ready for the Joker's game. He put his faith in the swat to save Bruce Wayne's flavor, and as Batman - he made sure the white knightsurvived. Batman knew that the Joker had switched the addresses, but batman was wearing his business socks...and made the right logical investment.

My take.
Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

I'm not sure why The Joker tells two different origins, but it was originally from The Killing Joke.
Because there are multiple reasons why the joker is the way he is. My take on it.
My take on Nolan's and Goyer's "Joker" telling two different stories for his scars has more to do with his psyche, that of a sociopath, thana result of the reference to "The Killing Joke" although that allusion could be spot on.

Obviously, the Joker is incredibly intelligent and is seemingly several steps ahead of law enforcement and even Batman. So he chooses to manipulate his originstories mainly because it gives him power over the people, to share this information that no one else possesses. Because of that he can tell different versionsto different people without them knowing the truth, keeping them powerless. By keeping them powerless he can manipulate them, use them like he previously usedthe mobsters and forces people to make moral decisions like the address switch on Batman.

Then again, I could just be thinking a little too much and be completely wrong.
I say Joker switched both in purpose. He wanted Batman to save Dent so that Rachel dies. Joker was trying to mess with Dent's psyche and what better thanthe death of his girlfriend, knowing that it could have been avoided too. Like Joker said anyone can fall, you just need a little push. And that's what hedid to Dent, he just pushed him.
Originally Posted by Mercutio

My take on Nolan's and Goyer's "Joker" telling two different stories for his scars has more to do with his psyche, that of a sociopath, than a result of the reference to "The Killing Joke" although that allusion could be spot on.

Obviously, the Joker is incredibly intelligent and is seemingly several steps ahead of law enforcement and even Batman. So he chooses to manipulate his origin stories mainly because it gives him power over the people, to share this information that no one else possesses. Because of that he can tell different versions to different people without them knowing the truth, keeping them powerless. By keeping them powerless he can manipulate them, use them like he previously used the mobsters and forces people to make moral decisions like the address switch on Batman.

Then again, I could just be thinking a little too much and be completely wrong.

I like that thought.

sidenote: Mercutio is a cool s/n. "They have made worms meat of me."

Julius F. Wrek
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