NT official Spring Summer Body TRANSFORMATION challenge March 1-June 1

May 26, 2003
Anyone down? Lol I figured this would be a good way to motivate each other those looking to loose weight for the summer or just in general.

Pretty simple on march 1 and 2 post your starting weight, then post an official weigh in with lbs lost or gained every week. I'm actually planning in cutting until August but this will be a cool way to hold each other accountable and help each other or even share tips.

Y'all down?

For Dudes that need help with "diet", I follow IIFYM, but in general this is a good place to start with figuring out Calorie and Macro needs according to your goal.


use that to get a good Idea of your Calories you need whether you're cutting or bulking (keep in mind this is an estimate so use it as a guide and adjust accordingly), also recommends Macros

As for workouts I have my own custom routine since I've found what worked for me but Starting strength is a great program for dudes who are new to lifting (I used this when I started)


Ate 5000 calories last night so I`m probably holding a ton of water but after 9 months of Bulking I weighted in today at 273 (started bulk at 228-20) so 45lbs in 9 months= 45 lbs gained.

Used my BF thing today also so right now my stats are

20% BF

I`m starting my cut at 3000 calories, here are my Macros (I used iifym.com calculator)
GRAMS per day 302.3 251.2 87.4 55 - 68 3000
GRAMS per meal 60.5 50.2 17.5 11 - 14 600

I`m going to do weigh ins every Saturday, I suggest we all add each other on Myfitnesspal also.

You guys can add me on Instagram/MyfitnessPal my username is CashmereEsquire, this is where I will be posting majority of my updates, and pics of what I eat, I will of course post stuff in here but those social media sites will offer more of a "real time" look.

I`m going to update my OG post with these stats also. This thread is for March to June but I`m actually looking at cutting to August.

Edit: Probably going to keep my Macros at 300 carbs, 225 protein, 100 fat.

March 8
Weighted in at 261.6
Down 12lbs from 273 starting weight (mainly just water loss)

Week 2 Complete
March 15
Weighed in at 257.8
Down 15.2 lbs

Week 3 Complete
March 22
Weighed in at 255
Down 18 lbs

Week 4
March 29
Down 21
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I'm down. Somebody make an email address to email the #beforeselfies to. I been doing great on my workout grind ever since this AWG gave me the curve. It wasn't even about my weight, turns out she just like thugs/rappers/idiot type black dudes but whatever.
We could probably make an Instagram if y'all use it.

I figure spring and summer are easy times to cut since there are no real holidays that would cause you to eat crap, even with BBQs that stuff ain't bad it's the extras like Mac and cheese and stuff, you can have BBQ chicken and grilled veggies and not look like a elitist douche lol
how does one get banned from the fitness thread?

I plan to eat burgers and drink more beer with the Spring weather coming up :pimp:
I'm down

As of this morning I was 212, down from 236 in October. I just started a new job that's a pretty far commute, so I'm worried about the exercising motivation. The diet won't be a problem though. I'm 6'1 so I want to get down to about 180-185 for summer.
I'm in...

need to lose this beer belly.

My body is ready, or maybe it's not.
I'm in. Been on a journey beginning last March. Down a lot and I work out a good amount. I really want to shred another 30 pounds though and I feel I'll be almost optimum for me.

My biggest problem is drinking. I bartend on the weekends and its almost impossible for me not to drink while working considering my clientele.

I only drink friday nights and saturday nights but its binge drinking. It takes me a LOT to get hammered.

If I can eliminate drinking to one night I think I can shred the 30. I eat 80% healthy.
Lol at u fools thinking u can get in shape in like 2 months

Why the outrate hate? Even if someone gets motivated to drop 20 pounds its a good thing.

LOL at fools thinking they're bettering themselves by being complete Aholes. see I can do it too.
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