NT, Please give me Insight on one of the Biggest Decisions of My Young Life So Far.

stay son, your gpa will drop when you are pledging its kind of a known fact. i doubt you will do the same thing next semester
You are being WAY too hard on yourself.

It's only one semester, and your first semester at that.

The transition is tough, and more for some than others.

You said it yourself, it's not that you can't do the work, you just weren't ready.

Stay in your university. Sign up for classes. If you still feel like you are behind, take some summer classes at your CC and make sure they transfer.

Those classes will be cheap AND easy, so you'll boost your GPA as well.

Don't be so hard on yourself man. It's your first semester. You made the mistake of not letting yourself get acclimated to college life before doingall that frat stuff. It's all good.

Next semester just prioritize, and you'll be fine.
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