NT please pray for my brother

im not one to make threads and ask for help, but i am in need of all of your prayers tonight

my brother was rushed to the hospital because of chest pains, revealing that he has a punctured lung and it collapsed. they're repairing the lung right now and trying to re inflate it but he is in texas and i am in new york. ive never been so scared and worried in my life and i dont know what i can do to help. im not one to believe in a higher power, but this is the only thing that i can think of right now to help the situation. he is only 22 and he has never harmed anyone or done anything bad in his life. hes studying to become a chemical engineer and getting his PhD right now and has a lot to live for.

i dont know how serious the situation is and the medical aspect behind it so if anyone has had a prior experience or knows someone whos gone through this, please share.

i ask all of you to please pray for my brother and hope that everything goes well tonight.

thank you NT


Anyways where in texas is he?

I hope he gets better

Glad your bro is doing good. The lower powers are helping out.
if it makes you feel better i've had a collapsed lung. they cut a hole between my ribs and put a tube in. i'm fine now you would never know besides the scar.
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