NT, please pray for my dad.

Mar 30, 2004
I don't normally make these types of posts, but tomorrow morning my dad will undergo surgery to remove a golf ball sized tumor from the top of his bladder.They don't yet know if it is malignant, but it is still a serious situation nonetheless.

For those interested, the type of cancer he may have is a rare form, called Urachal Cancer. Has anyone had any experiences in their family with this type of cancer? If so, please letme know how it turned out.

Thanks alot.
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

He's in my thoughts and prayers. I wish him a speedy recovery from the surgery.
I'm not really good with words in this type of situation.. but she said it very well.

Keep you're head up OP.
my grandfather died 2 months ago of the same exact thing, had cancer in his bladder...had two strokes, was in a coma, died while at the hospital i hate summersand keep ur head up fam i pray everything goes well
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