NT, please pray for my dad.

Originally Posted by chris steez

my grandfather died 2 months ago of the same exact thing, had cancer in his bladder...had two strokes, was in a coma, died while at the hospital i hate summers and keep ur head up fam i pray everything goes well
probably coulda left the 1st part of that out man

My prayers are with you, I'm a fellow Nittany Lion as well...stay up
My father died 3 weeks ago from Cancer bro... all I can say is be prepared for the worst... but remember that alot of the treatment is !+#%**!@, the bestmedicine is him being positive and happy. You need to help him do that and be there for him.
i haven't prayed in a while, but i think tonight i will, and you and your fam will definitley be in there.
keep ya head up man, eveerything will be okay.
Ayo nick whats up bro? Its mayor. My heart goes out to your father my italian brutha, seriously. You was my fav dude to play halo 3 with back in the day. Iwish your pops the best of luck and a beautiful life son. Be sure to update us on his status. 100
Originally Posted by iLL Since 92

RIP jk good luck to him hope its not malignant

the %@!! is wrong with you? Idc if you were kidding either. Theres a time and place for everything. Lame %$# new nters man
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

He's in my thoughts and prayers. I wish him a speedy recovery from the surgery.

sent one up for you and your fam man.
Hey man, what hospital is your dad being treated at?
my dad can make a few phone calls to make sure your dad is being taken care of ok
Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

Ayo nick whats up bro? Its mayor. My heart goes out to your father my italian brutha, seriously. You was my fav dude to play halo 3 with back in the day. I wish your pops the best of luck and a beautiful life son. Be sure to update us on his status. 100
What's the deal Mayor, long time no see. Thanks alot for the prayers everyone. I actually got the dates wrong, I'm such an idiot
. He finds out tomorrow whether or not if it's malignant (they did a biopsylast week), and the surgery will be on Monday regardless of the results.

rck2sactown wrote:
Hey man, what hospital is your dad being treated at?
my dad can make a few phone calls to make sure your dad is being taken care of ok
He'll be at The University of Pennsylvania Hospital in Philly. Thanks for the help.
Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

Originally Posted by iLL Since 92

RIP jk good luck to him hope its not malignant

the %@!! is wrong with you? Idc if you were kidding either. Theres a time and place for everything. Lame %$# new nters man
this is not a joking matter...
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