NT, please say a prayer for this child

Damn, this is rough to hear about. You never want to hear about innocent bystanders receiving the worst of a situation, especially when a child is involved. And as young as 1 years old? 

Prayers will be made.
I usually don't do this, but I just said a prayer for the little guy. I hope he'll be alright.
Everything is touch and go right now. I'll keep you guys updated. Thanks again
CreateDestroy wrote:


Just said a prayer.  I have a son myself.  I can't imagine what the father is going through.
Originally Posted by blacklion23

Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

Originally Posted by Griff

 He believes that if God hears enough prayers his son's life will be spared. 

Was this necessary? A little boy is fighting for his life right now. Have a heart dude.

Right there is a time and place for everything. I will pray for lil man, and that justice is served.
Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

Originally Posted by Griff

 He believes that if God hears enough prayers his son's life will be spared. 
Seriously take that *#!+ somewhere else

Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

I trust that the doctors and nurses will do their best to keep this child alive.
Prayers going out tomorrow morning at service. Hopefully little man pulls through.
Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

Originally Posted by Griff

 He believes that if God hears enough prayers his son's life will be spared. 
I swear to God I hope you get banned. Have a %@%$%+$ heart.
Just prayed for him OP. Hope he recovers.
Prayer is a form of meditation, i will meditate and send my thoughts and support his way.

His innate response for protection, i wish it was enough. & his son didnt have to go through something this big this early in life. Keep us updated.
Was there even a target? or was it some mindless shooting? 
um...hopefully this isnt satire.

hopefully all the injured of this situation pull through. hope they and eveyone around them get all the love/support they need.
Everytime I see this thread on the front page I hope that it's not because of sad news. I really hope lil dude pulls through.
oakland be going dumb dumb dumb..supperrrr hyphy hyphy...aye breh breh..i live in richmond/murda block and we get that #%!# all the time...they was just at the wrong place at the wrong time..plus who brings their kid in a environment where ppl you hang with bangs hard like we doo up in the rich...but hope lil !%!%+ makes it thru though..
I hope the kid pulls through, definitely in my prayers. Hope the shooters get what's coming for them
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