NT: Post the Good and Bad of 2011 for you....

Finally got a career job, nothin to do with my education but i NEEDED a job quick
moved across country, out of mom's house
proved (to myself) that i could take care of myself on my own
Job has put me in Alaska and hawaii for a total of 4 months. (TDY,paid for basically everything)
lost 20+ pounds

gained 10 pounds back
Have to go back to Va for (where i live for my job) and deal with that place.
broke up with my  girl (sorta good too tho)
real self-aware now. makes reciprocating someone's S!!!y attitude/comment hard.
didnt travel overseas like i wanted to.

edit: totally missed fam stuff
still cool and supporting my middle brother.
i moved to the same city my neice and nephew lived (coincidence)
Mom is said to now be cancer free(still scares me)

moms was diagnosed with cancer
my oldest brother seems to be F!!!n up again
Finally transferred into College
Doing well in school
gained some muscle and confidence

Family legal problems
falling for a J/O.. what should I do?
- Great music.

- I attended a nice amount of concerts. I had the opportunity to see Paul McCartney, Ellie Goulding, Death Cab, Childish Gambino (twice), Kid Cudi, Deradoorian <3, of Montreal, Jay-Z & Kanye, J. Cole, and Lykke Li. I saw Kreayshawn, but that was only due to sheer boredom. 

- Kept a job that I didn't know was intended to be temporary. I like the job, too.

- I've never been more comfortable with myself in my life.

- I found out what I really want to do for a career, and where I'd like to live.

- I lost over 20 pounds.

- Decided to take more risks.


- This girl put me through one of the most embarrassing / awkward moments of my life, and she was somehow oblivious to the possibility of someone not liking what she did. I believe she still doesn't see anything wrong with what she did. It boggles my mind, really. And this moment stemmed from me being nice.

- Had someone who I thought was closer to me, lie to me at a time when I really thought they would lighten the mood of one of the lowest points of my year. I've decided never to initiate contact with them again.

- Movies this year were not too great.

- Still not enough privacy in my life.

- Too many recurring thoughts of suicide. The thoughts are on a daily basis, now.

- I had a HUGE crush on this hispanic girl, the first girl I've had a thing for in awhile, and she turned out to be married with a child. She's about 19 or 20. 

- I don't really want to hang out with my closest friend as much. I find that we end up talking about the same things, and our interests aren't nearly as aligned as they used to be. 

Not a great year, but the most interesting. A lot of turning points.
-Started to go to the gym consistently and working out, got stronger
-Started looking to the future and being more ambitious
-Learned how to drive, also learned manual
-Met some very good people
-Doing well in school (this current year)
-Making some money
-Stopped being completely stupid and immature

-Last school year was a complete L
-Stopped talking to a lot of people
1. Two week trip to Florida with the fam.
2. Started the process to become a Marine after college.
3. Getting inducted into an honor society this month.
4. Lost 60+ lbs

5. Went to some pretty good concerts. Finally saw El Gran Combo live.

1. Slept even less than last semester.
2. Still no girlfriend.
3. I'm exhausted and kinda lonely but I'm too stubborn to tell anyone.
1. Graduated from College!
2. Got a new job (part time but I love it).
3. Got accepted into Graduate School!
4. Looking to obtain my driver's license and car within the next 2-3 weeks!

1. Lost three family members. Not so much painful for me (Was kinda close with one, my uncle) but my mom was hurting so I hurt.
2. Spent the majority of this year indoors.
3. My birthday was just another day.
4. Learned the hard way about going Raw (No HIV)
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