NT Post Your Ghost Stories Vol. No Ducktales

Nov 10, 2007
If you got any ghost stories post em, I ain't got none myself but I definitely believe in ghosts so I'm tryin to hear some stories if ya'll gotsome.

EDIT: I can post one that didn't happen to me though.

This girl I used to work with told me about this house she used to live in and a lot of the time at night, her and her family would hear like laughter, andpiano play coming up from the attic when nobody was there.
Shealso said there was one night where she was in the bathroom washing her face and the curtain for the shower was drawn close, and when she looked up into themirror, the curtain was drawn open and there was a woman standing there covering herself looking scared as if someone had just walked in on her. then sheturned around and no one was there. some scary $@*+.
nothing beats listening to sylivia brown on montel and hearing everybodys ghost story

anybody know if shes the real deal or just some bunk
Hopefully, this is still up in the morning so I can read it.

No one in the room tonight, I don't need to be spooked.
Lol i was just about to post a thread do u belive in ghosts if so post stories.

Personally idk what to think about ghosts more of a believe it if i see it thing.
I dont know what to think with all this ghost crap on TV seeing that they can do anything with a camera.

One story is my Aunt and Uncle were staying and some old ladys house in Scotland. I dont know the whole story on why they were but my Uncle said in the middleof the night there would be a boy who would stand next to their bedside and just sit there and watch. Nothing else just sit and watch. He was dressed like theoldd times in scottland as you would imagine. My Uncle said he just didnt do anything and went back to sleep the boy wasnt doing anything. He didnt tell myAunt cuz she woulda walked straight out the house.
Originally Posted by redstorm24

nothing beats listening to sylivia brown on montel and hearing everybodys ghost story

anybody know if shes the real deal or just some bunk
I got a good sequence of events to share with you guys... Well, not good as in what happened, but if you are into ghosts, you might dig it. First part is in anutshell to keep it readable (real word?
) My mom was dating this guyfor maybe 6 or 7 years, he had leukemia (sp?) got real sick and died
(he was a good !#!$$% guy) So very shortly after he passed, 3 weird things happened all within a weeks time. 1) I was sitting in my buddies living room, he wasmaking dinner, and our buddy duke (think bubba from Forrest Gump) was on my right. I was rollin a doob and out of nowhere, a penny flies from my left and landsin my left hand. Now theres no way duke could have throw it, it came from my left. I made my boy swear up and down on my mom (he digs her) that he didnt do it.He is like a bro so I know he wouldnt lie. Next event happened the next day. The 3 of us were watching something on the tube and all the sudden, the light inthe bathroom turned on, real scary !%%@. So the 3rd instance was the creepiest. I was at work at the shipyard and I wandered off to take a nap in the tank bythe engine room, and fell asleep. Mind you, it's pitch black down there so I had to take a flashlight. So, I am sleeping and, all of the sudden, myflashlight turned on. I about !%%@ myself and left asap. Nothing has ever happened after that, but to this day, I know is was good ole Bobby messin with me(RIP)
My real parents died when I was young or w/e (Mom: 3.. My bro told me she wasmurdered, til this day I have a resentment to that specific ethnic group that did this (yes I know it's stupid but I could care less)
.. so anyway, A year ago, I'm making a bowl of cereal around 11 pm or so.. As I'mpouring the cereal, in my left ear, I heard "Jay"
Ifelt the wind and everything.. scared the living !!*% out of me, I threw the box of cereal on the floor and just ran to my room (mind you I was 17) .. I'llnever forget that day, I don't remember what my mom sounds like, but hearing that voice, I was like "That had to have been her"
My grandfather once stayed at a Red Roof Inn and woke up in the middle of the night and the room was filled with cigar smoke and it sounded like somebody wasin the room playing the bagpipes. I'm dead serious.

He was a pastor and him and my mom's family had numerous experiences with ghosts/demons or whatever, but that was the only one that ever made me lol.
my friend used to live in a house in the burbs of philly that was haunted
couple thing he used to tell me was there was this sticker on his door that couldn't be removed unless you tore it and some days when the family comes homeform a trip or something they would find the sticker removed and upside down, but intact
also other times they find footprints on the ceilings of their bedrooms and stuff...they never cared much since it never harmed them...but i would be shook
Don't know how much this has to do with ghosts, but when i was younger i used to always say that i was burning to my mom when i woke up in the morning, andi kept picturing a fire. So my grandfather asks the landlord if there is anything he should know about i getting to hot because i kept saying i was on fire sodude pulled up the carpet of where i was staying and it was all burned. The landlord said that electrical fire killed a little boy. Till now i think i canfigure things out bout people and such. Ya'll can call ducktales i dont even care just thought i would share.
Just recently I was driving pretty late at night and I was the only one on the street. I drove for awhile and then this car got ahead of me by about 60 ft. Hewent over a hill and I went over the same hill not even 3 secs later and there was nothing there. I know for a fact that the lights weren't turned offbecause I could (and should) have still been able to see the car. And there was literally no where the car could have turned without me seeing it
Originally Posted by carlosS510

I've witnessed an exorcism. Craziest thing I've seen in my life.

Care to elaborate?

Great stories guys! Keep 'em coming
When I lived in Salem as a kid had some spooky s*** happen. As kids my siblings and myself would wake up early, and the rules were we could do quiet things. So we're sitting there doin something with construction paper and the laudry room door slaps open and a sound like someone yelling. So we all ended up introuble for making noise and slamming doors, and of course we weren't believed. Then my little brother and myself shared a room, and we both constantlygot in trouble for toys being all over the floor in the morning. The problem with that is that we had put them up the night before, so unless my littlebrother was getting up during the night and getting them out, then denying that he had, something was going on.
My aunt and uncle lived in an old house in Napa Valley that was basically surrounded by grape vineyards. The previous owners told them how they believe thattheir are ghosts in the house. They didn't tell their kids because they didn't want to scare them. So one morning their son said he saw a man that wasstaring at him during the night next to his bed. He didn't think anything of it I guess because he was so young and didn't really know about ghosts oranything.
Originally Posted by ImSoLA

Trippy stuff....

Word, I want to stop reading cause its late at night and dont want to be spooked, but these stories are addicting to read.
After reading some of these stories and watching that video I don't think I'll be going to sleep for a new hours
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