NT: Remember this....

Wow, can I get a link to the thread with dude next to the VS models, if it hasn't been deleted? 

Or just the backstory?
I don't get it though, i've never had a woman look down or flinch when i put my hand upon her hip. (when i dip, you dip, we dip)
Yo I remember that thread like it was yesterday. I posted a quick ps of the foreveralone face atop his body on tumblr and it took less than 5 minutes to find its way on nt
poor guy i love adriana lima, best believe my arm would be around her waist at a PHOTOSHOOT that i'm in with her. no way in hell im passing up that opportunity.
noooooo! i honestly feel bad for the guy. he had been waiting hella long to meet her and she turns her shoulder.
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