NT, say you are really feeling a chick....

Sep 23, 2008
and you are in the beginning stages of a relationship, you both are feeling each other. And one day she comes out the blue and tells you her dad used to molesther.
What would you do??
give her the

naw just treat her like everyone else but if thats not your thing keep it moving
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

cum on her face

Seriously, just hear her out. She must be comfortable with you OP if she, just out of the blue, reveal that info. Or maybe she wants you to smash her out.
You can still go for it, but realize that if she brought it up, she is most likely still having a hard time dealing with it and you might have to deal with ittoo.
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

@ the first reply

Oh lordy. That response tacked on to the first reply had me in hysterics.

But uh...OP....That's a huge red flag for any relationship, but if you really are feelin' her than don't be shallow and see how it progresses.It's not her fault after all and everyone has a past right? Just play it out for now and see where it goes, because it's not like you HAVE to marrythis girl ya know? If you don't like what's going down then end it.

Easier said than done, but that's the way it is.
actually my girlfriend as of now used to be abused by her biological dad, and like that one reply said, just treat her the same as you would any other girl,from personal experience shes probably gonna have some trust issues of some sort, but just keep it real with her, shes no different then any other girl
just be like sensitive to the situation you know.. dont bring it up like, ever... n be madd chill tell her youll be there for her and all that simp @#$* n youshould get laid that niight
Originally Posted by jhendri5

You can still go for it, but realize that if she brought it up, she is most likely still having a hard time dealing with it and you might have to deal with it too.

Ding Ding we have a winner. I was dealing with a girl who was molested, chick had a hard time revealing it to me. She is very sensitive. When I try go bases onher. Its difficult, but all you need to do is let her trust you.
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