NT, School me on EVERYTHING 21 related, (i turn 21 in 3 days :D )

Apr 2, 2009
aww man, it feels like just yesterday i was posting here telling everyone i had just turned 18. and here i am man, turning 21 

granted, it is 3 screen names later

Anyways, older NT brethren, school me on everything 21 related. the club scenes, the bar scene, how to order drinks, best gun to buy, best place to get a loan. EVERYTHING.

for example:
How much do i tip a bartender?
How do i know if a bar is a biker bar, or any other type of "weird" bar?
What is 3 fingers of scotch?
What is the best entry level glocc?
Best games to gamble on in vegas?
Best hotels to gamble AT in vegas?

anything else you might want to add is greatly appreciated.

top 5 best/most helpful advice giver will get a condom sampler from trojan.

Spoiler [+]
no ducktales i got you NT fam


I typically tip $2-3 dollars. It also depends on the drink and...you can always open a tab.
Ask around or Google. Most of the time you could tell from the outside.
3 fingers is how its measure...when you hold the glass with 3 fingers, its supposed to be that high
...as long as you are in good company, you can't go wrong really
Originally Posted by MECKS

for example:
How much do i tip a bartender?
How do i know if a bar is a biker bar, or any other type of "weird" bar?
What is 3 fingers of scotch?
What is the best entry level glocc?
Best games to gamble on in vegas?
Best hotels to gamble AT in vegas?

anything else you might want to add is greatly appreciated.

top 5 best/most helpful advice giver will get a condom sampler from trojan.

Spoiler [+]
no ducktales i got you NT fam



stop over thinking it, you'll be let down.
You won't feel any different the night before or the day after.

You can drink legally, and gamble.

if you're ordering a round of 4 beers, tip 4 bucks. etc.

best games to gamble at a casino, no right answer, learn the games, if you love it, master the games, and enjoy yourself.

experience life...nothing holding you back now, due to age.
Originally Posted by Mastamind89

I typically tip $2-3 dollars. It also depends on the drink and...you can always open a tab.
yooooo how does a tab work? whats stopping me from just leaving?
What's stopping you from just leaving is your card. Unless you want to leave that behind.
OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH so they just charge it all at the end of the night of drinking? i seee
Just make sure you get your **** real wet, lots of blow jobs and handys make for a great 21st bday.
let me get a condom sampler, ill hook you up with a free pumpkin+unlimited jumper time+free christmas tree if you come to the bay area
Originally Posted by MECKS

for example:
How much do i tip a bartender?
How do i know if a bar is a biker bar, or any other type of "weird" bar?
What is 3 fingers of scotch?
What is the best entry level glocc?
Best games to gamble on in vegas?
Best hotels to gamble AT in vegas?
Hopefully it will stop you from being ///_* on twitter late night 

1. It depends, if its a tab, then tip at the end of the night.  If it's a closed tab, then rounding up is always good, leave the change.  If change isn't enough leave an extra dollar or two.  $2-3 is usually good, up to $5 for a mixed drink, $2 max for a beer.  Doesn't take much effort to pour a glass of suds.  They keep your debit/credit card until the end of the night.

2. If you see a bunch of bikes up front, it's a biker bar, if you see a rainbow flag outside it's a gay bar.  Anything else is really fair game.  Enjoy, get out there and try different places.

3. Scotch, 
, that's going to the deep end without starting at the shallow end of the pool.  Try Whiskey and Bourbon to develop your pallet, then introduce scotch.  Try mid-shelf fare like Jameson, Makers Mark or Jack Daniels.  Kraken and Red Stag are very beginner friendly, there are others as well.  Don't sleep on Rum's, mix it up.  When you are ready to jump into scotch, start with entry level McCllelan's or Johnny Walker, you don't mix scotch.

3. Try the Gun Thread here, very insightful.

4. Best games to gamble, this is personal opinion, Craps and Blackjack.  Craps is preferred, dabble in roulette.  Try to know basics, and figure out which game is for you.

5.  Depends on your budget.  Higher end hotels have higher minimums as opposed to lower tier hotels.  If you are running low on dough, low minimums will stretch your money out.  High minimum, means you can lose your wad of cash fast.  You got to bet big to win big.

6. Enjoy, if you do it right, 21-28 will be a *##+@$% blur.

7. Keep the condoms, can't feel a thing with those things.
Originally Posted by MECKS

OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH so they just charge it all at the end of the night of drinking? i seee

Television has lied to you. Tabs arent open on a weekly or monthly basis like movies lol.
Originally Posted by MECKS

aww man, it feels like just yesterday i was posting here telling everyone i had just turned 18. and here i am man, turning 21 

granted, it is 3 screen names later

Anyways, older NT brethren, school me on everything 21 related. the club scenes, the bar scene, how to order drinks, best gun to buy, best place to get a loan. EVERYTHING.

for example:
How much do i tip a bartender?
How do i know if a bar is a biker bar, or any other type of "weird" bar?
What is 3 fingers of scotch?
What is the best entry level glocc?
Best games to gamble on in vegas?
Best hotels to gamble AT in vegas?

anything else you might want to add is greatly appreciated.

top 5 best/most helpful advice giver will get a condom sampler from trojan.

Depending on the place, but your average bar just a dollar on beer is usually the norm, a couple dollars for a mixed drink. 
You'll be able to tell if it's something like a biker bar, but you'll have to ask around or look it up first if you want to know what the usual crowd is. You can normally figure that out after 20 seconds of being inside, though.

A finger is a quick measurement, so three fingers worth is exactly what it sounds like. If you haven't drank a lot I wouldn't jump into scotch, much less 3 fingers worth. Try anything and everything, you never know what you might like. I like most liquor depending on the situation... just depends.

Assuming you meant "Glock" and not "glocc", probably the Glock 17 or 19.. both 9mm but the 17 is full-size and the 19 is more compact. I don't know if you're interested in guns in general or specifically a Glock, but that's a pretty solid choice. I went with a Springfield XD-9 for my first gun, similar to a Glock but with a few more features I preferred. Go to a gun shop and see how it fits in your hand, not everyone likes the feel and fit. Check out the gun thread on here if you have more questions.

Best games is whatever game you enjoy. Blackjack is a favorite of mine, but it's up to you. 

The best way to figure out most of this stuff is to just do it. Experience different things, see what you like, don't let any preconceived notions of yours or others influence how you do things. Grab some friends and live it up, responsibly of course. 

And for some reason, getting a bag of condoms from someone on the internet doesn't sit right with me
a nice offer, though.
Best games to gamble on in Vegas are Pai Gao and Blackjack.

Please only put Magnums in my sampler, anything else won't fit me :/
Try not to open a tab. Every time my boy does it he winds up spending wayyyyy too much.
Like everyone's said 1-2 bucks for a beer, 2-3 for a mixed drink or if you get a couple of beers/shots.
Originally Posted by MECKS

How much do i tip a bartender?
How do i know if a bar is a biker bar, or any other type of "weird" bar?
What is 3 fingers of scotch?
What is the best entry level glocc?
Best games to gamble on in vegas?
Best hotels to gamble AT in vegas?
make an alcohol budget.
I can't remember how many times I've spent my entire paychecks on alcohol, cover prices, etc...

It gets pricy...
Don't get TOO drunk.

My 21st (I was in college) and I drank half a bottle of Ciroc before I went out then drank from 10pm to 12am for free at a bar down the road from my apartment.

Once 12am hit, I went to the "nice" bar to get a free bottle of champagne for my birthday and within seconds I was thrown out. Didn't even get that bottle. 

But for real, let me get some condoms.
Word of advice: Pre-game before you go to the bar(s) or Club to save money.
Drinks are expensive and you will feel foolish after waisting 5-8 bucks on a Jack n Coke for example.
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