NT someone schoole me on breaking apartment leases vol/ whack roommate

May 1, 2006
So NT since the semester has begun my roommate has basically spent his time sideline hating on me and anything associated with me. Any time there is conflict he goes on to say that this is his apartment because his mom is the guarantor on our lease. Our lease for this 2BR apartment is $780 per month NO individual contracts so we just split it at $390/month. He's reluctant to pay his half of the electric bill that's in my name and I'm frankly tired of this fool and I think I'm just going to opt for a studio apartment somewhere around campus. Will there be any damage to my credit if his mom is the guarantor?

*sorry for misspelling school in the title
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if your on the lease then yes. if not, your good but its a ho move.

find someone to sublease your spot, that way nobody gets screwed.
So NT since the semester has begun my roommate has basically spent his time sideline hating on me and anything associated with me. Any time there is conflict he goes on to say that this is his apartment because his mom is the guarantor on our lease. Our lease for this 2BR apartment is $780 per month NO individual contracts so we just split it at $390/month. He's reluctant to pay his half of the electric bill that's in my name and I'm frankly tired of this fool and I think I'm just going to opt for a studio apartment somewhere around campus. Will there be any damage to my credit if his mom is the guarantor?
*sorry for misspelling school in the title

You didn't see these qualities before you chose to become roommates? That level of ho-ness isn't developed overnight. :smh:

Tought it out and then keep it moving.
Talk to his mom. Im sure she don't want HER credit to get ****** up because of.her punkass kid .if he don't fall in line and youre not on the lease bounce **** it.
So NT since the semester has begun my roommate has basically spent his time sideline hating on me and anything associated with me. Any time there is conflict he goes on to say that this is his apartment because his mom is the guarantor on our lease. Our lease for this 2BR apartment is $780 per month NO individual contracts so we just split it at $390/month. He's reluctant to pay his half of the electric bill that's in my name and I'm frankly tired of this fool and I think I'm just going to opt for a studio apartment somewhere around campus. Will there be any damage to my credit if his mom is the guarantor?
*sorry for misspelling school in the title
You're not on the lease, so legally you can just dip out on it. However, they can take you to like small claims court or file some type of legal action to justify the compensation.  If you feel so strongly just split the early termination fee and part ways, after you found out where you're gonna stay of course.
yall are both def on the lease. speak to your landlord about subleasing, and explain the situation. the gurantor is just a backup in case they flake and run. not only can the landlord go after them, they can go after the mom too.
If you're responsible, you'd find a subletter to take over the lease for you. You can dip but your credit will get hurt. A lease is a contract and the landlord could take you to court for the money you'll owe him.
that sucks that it's not working out. you'll feel much better once you get out of that situation so if that means terminating the lease and getting hit with the termination fees, then I'd say it's worth it (if you can afford it).

but yeah, like everyone says, speak with your landlord first.

OP, are BOTH your names on the lease? the initial post was vague on that, said you didn't have individual leases, but a house lease? if you're NOT specifically on the lease, then I'd say just find a new place and leave whenever you want because you don't have any obligation to stay / feel free to screw that guy over . . .
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You can turn off the electricity whenever you want.

Did you sign any documents when you moved in?
Have sex with his mom then move out.
Lease wise you will probably be okay, but his mom may have a case against you in small claims court if you just up and leave. Try and find someone to sublease and then it should be okay.
Even if you're name isn't on the lease you could still be held accountable for any rent owed..I know where I live that once you get your address changed and start receiving mail at your apartment/house then that's your legal residence and your on the hook..So even if your name isn't on the lease it's possible, in your state, that you can be held responsible to make good on any damages made or money owed..Ask your landlord and find out before you try to be funny and just dip out..
Tell him he can't use any electrical device if he doesn't want to pay his half of the electric bill.
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