NT Survivial Skills!


This thread has my ribs hurting.
Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Definitely Anaconda.

I would take off one of my dunks, undo the laces real quick and tie it off so as to create a makeshift bolas type of weapon. I would swing it around while intermittedly attempting to strike the snake on its head with the shoe. Hopefully I could bait the anaconda into striking at the shoe instead of at me. Although an anaconda may have the ability for multi strikes in succession, I have to imagine that there is some lag effect in between strikes, leaving it most vulnerable. I used to own a couple of ball pythons as pets and been bit several times before, but they always just bit once. Even when I was feeding them live mice, if they missed on their strike, it would usually take them a few seconds to get reset before they attempted to strike again.

After a failed strike attempt at my shoe, I would try to pounce on the snake and control its head with both hands clamping its mouth shut. I would then get my Mike Tyson on and try to bite out the snakes eyes and/or the snout of the snake since thats where they have their hearing/smelling sensors that they use to hunt. After that I'll just chill in the corner and wait for the blind sucker to die and then walk out the room as a conquering champion.
while you're doing that

the anaconda can wrap itself around you i believe

then snap your back/neck

don't forget how strong these animals are

Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Originally Posted by yancancook90

Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

whoever says anaconda or jaguar is mentally ******ed..seriously
ok how would you take out the croc?
people acting like crocodiles dont breathe...

they breathe through their nostrils, which are just two little holes on the top of their snout. tie up its mouth and muffle its snout with your shirt/pants.

it would take a while because they can hold their breath for a pretty long time, and obviously it would fight back. but if you can hold on for long enough you could have a chance to weaken it and eventually suffocate it to death.

You act like the croc is going to sit there and let you do that. Once it sense you are cutting off it's oxygen it will open it's mouth.
The croc's jaw muscles>every muscle in your body working simultaneously.

People are really sleeping on cros. Yall have been watching too much Steve Erwin (R.I.P)

Which animal has the best Fatality though?


Jaguar - Jugular bite/neck break

Anaconda - Full body constriction.
a full grown croc really isn't gonna be able to move around in a 10 x 10 room, so I would pick the croc and just stay behind it's head until i get theopportunity to kill it
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Originally Posted by yancancook90

Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

whoever says anaconda or jaguar is mentally ******ed..seriously
ok how would you take out the croc?
people acting like crocodiles dont breathe...

they breathe through their nostrils, which are just two little holes on the top of their snout. tie up its mouth and muffle its snout with your shirt/pants.

it would take a while because they can hold their breath for a pretty long time, and obviously it would fight back. but if you can hold on for long enough you could have a chance to weaken it and eventually suffocate it to death.

You act like the croc is going to sit there and let you do that. Once it sense you are cutting off it's oxygen it will open it's mouth.
The croc's jaw muscles>every muscle in your body working simultaneously.

People are really sleeping on cros. Yall have been watching too much Steve Erwin (R.I.P)

Which animal has the best Fatality though?


Jaguar - Jugular bite/neck break

Anaconda - Full body constriction.

Well def not the croc, because despite what the name implies you can recover from the death roll. Just take the hit and rally. Jugular bite is just instantfail for you obviously, and then with the anaconda, once it's got you you're effed. And to dude saying that he'd let the anaconda bite him and thenjust keep swinging:

You'd never get him off. Ever. And I think with 100 teeth in your arm, your punching abilities would be more than slightly inhibited.
Croc. I've been reading, that even if it bites you. You can kick it in its nostrils/eyes and it will release.

Jump on the back, surf that %*%+....then curb stomp the %*%+ out of its head. End it with a cleveland steamer...

Crocodile is the ONLY choice I can think of. The andaconda will snap at me way too fast in that small room, and the jaguar is too agailty for closed spaces.The croc is a water based hunter and outside of it It isnt no faster then me. As long as I keep away from the swaying tail and jaws Im good to good for theeyes.
Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

Crocodile is the ONLY choice I can think of. The andaconda will snap at me way too fast in that small room, and the jaguar is too agailty for closed spaces. The croc is a water based hunter and outside of it It isnt no faster then me. As long as I keep away from the swaying tail and jaws Im good to good for the eyes.


Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

Crocodile is the ONLY choice I can think of. The andaconda will snap at me way too fast in that small room, and the jaguar is too agailty for closed spaces. The croc is a water based hunter and outside of it It isnt no faster then me. As long as I keep away from the swaying tail and jaws Im good to good for the eyes.


lol i like this thread

but ppl are REALLY underestimating a crocodile's gangsta......do you know how quick a croc can react and strike at it's prey? you think it would be superman easy to get behind one in a 10x10 room?

the one without leg's for me.......
Originally Posted by DatZNasty


Anacondas have teeth fam. And dude changed it from 20x20 room to 10x10, that changes everything. I think I'll take the jaguar now. You're bigger thanit so it'll initially be scared of you if you jump around and makle yourself big. You'll have it cornered. It's now an all or nothing for you, diveon it go for the choke, the eye guage, grab it's balls, whatever you're going to do. I still need to know how big an average anaconda is too, I figurean average croc is maybe 8ft. Maybe you can stand between it's front and hind legs best you can and assume it can't swing its mouth or tall to thatexact point very fast and let itself tire out trying, again feed him the shoe, but what's the kill move? Poking his eyes out doesn't kill them. You canalso sit on its mouth shut, the muscles to bite down are like near the strongest bite pressure in nature, but the agonist muscles to open it are so weak youcan literally hold their mouth shut with your hand.

Oh, and you can take your shirt and pants off and even use that to tie its mouth shut, or cover the crocs eyes too since I noticed after watching Irwin captureso many of them that when they can't see, they calm the *!$% down real fast.

Id go with the croc. Crocodiles bite force is enormous but the amount of force they use to actually open their mouths is very low and you can hold their mouths shut with your bare hands.

Id circle the perimeter and undo the laces on both dunks and then use my speed to get behind it and jump on its back, clamp its mouth shut and tie both laces around it tightly.

If that holds then id flip it on its softer underbelly and work from there. Idk, maybe youd be able to break off a nail if you tried hard enough? to pierce the stomach with?

Anacondas are too flexible, one wrong move and itll wrap around you with a lot of pressure and youre done. Jaguars are just jaguars, dont mess with them, lol.
Originally Posted by Galvelocity

Errrrrm let us say that they are medium? Like ate maybe 5-6 hours earlier?

That said, anaconda. I will assume that it had eaten a fat meal (like a jaguar or a croc
) and usually they can go extended periods without eating. Step on food source, force it out the other end and it will attempt to regurgitate what it ate. If you don't let it, it will rupture and there, the end. I win.
Originally Posted by 18key

Jaguars are also the easiest to tame. Just show you're not a threat and crawl into the corner. Like I said earlier, gain it's trust and loyalty thenbetray it.
Originally Posted by TheFlyGaijin

nice 10 month gravedig DMVbatman

lol my bad family, i didn't know, I was in another thread and a poster posted this link, so I wanted to see the responses lol.
The croc. You could cover his eyes with your shirt. Tie his mouth with your shoe laces. And then stomp him to death.

A lot of yall are under estimating that snake. Thats the last one i'd want to fight.
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