NT: Tell me why I should drink Protein shakes after my workouts

Originally Posted by 5am6oody72

Originally Posted by kdawg

It's not the protein in chocolate milk that makes a difference - it was discovered in a study that it is as good as other fancy sports drinks in aiding recovery.

As others have said though - protein is OD for the average person. Unless your diet is deficient then you don't need to take a protein supplement. You need less than you think and taking it after a workout has no benefit over eating normally through the day - replacing carbs and electrolytes is a different issue though.

My diet is wildly deficient at the moment though

Seriously though, I started drinking protein shakes after serious workouts back in january for the first time and it made a HUGE difference in how my muscles were able to recover. 
How is it possible that your diet is wildly deficient?
Originally Posted by FullMetal

Not sure if serious about the chocolate milk thing...
It's true. They say chocolate milk is the perfect post-workout drink.

When I heard this a few years back, had me like
isnt there a certain time frame after your post workout youre suppose to drink your shake?

does the same apply to chocolate milk as well?
I've read the same about chocolate milk, it's got a good balance of proteins, carbs, and fats.
Originally Posted by SMASH ADAMS

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by Durden7

It's good for you.

Can you explain. I don't trust your last comment. Seems sarcastic.
this. elaborate please. first time ive heard this 
Sugar isnt "bad" for anyone.  (Bad is a relative term anyways and shouldn't be used in anything related to health/fitness)

Following a workout, the body needs insulin.  The sugar is used to produce insulin and glycogen.  The insulin increases the storage of glycogen (which was just used during the workout) and its used to shuttle amino acids to cells.  Without insulin being produced, the shuttling of amino acids into needed cells is slowed. (which is why taking a protein powder with water isn't the best method)  If the glycogen stores arent replenished fairly quickly after a workout, the ability to store and use it becomes reduced.  (takes longer to recover)  Sugar isnt something should should be avoided.  Simple, processed sugars aren't good.  Milk sugar is lactose which is a disaccahride so it isnt as "unhealthy" as simple sugars are.

The ratio of carbs to protein in milk is the best ratio.  It's typically around 3:1 or 4:1.

I forget the exact meaning of why chocolate milk is better than regular milk but obviously it has to do with the coca.

(WebMD)  During a 2004 Summer Olympics awash in controversies over steroids and supplements, one sportswriter wryly noticed that top American swimmer Michael Phelps was playing it safe -- he preferred to drink Carnation Instant Breakfast between races.

Now it appears that the six-time gold medalist may have been onto something. A new study shows that plain old chocolate milk may be as good -- or better -- than sports drinks like Gatorade at helping athletes recover from strenuous exercise.

The study, published in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, was small in scale; it was partially funded by the dairy industry. But dietitians say the study should help to counter the notion that high-tech, expensive supplements are better than whole foods when it comes to athletic performance. They also note that milk contains key nutrients, such as calcium and vitamin D, in quantities that sports drinks can’t match.

"[Milk] is a sports drink ‘plus,’" Keith Ayoob, EdD, a registered dietitian and associate professor of pediatrics at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, tells WebMD. "It will supply you with things you need whether or not you’re working out." 

The study builds on findings that intense endurance exercise reduces the muscles’ supply of stored glucose, or glycogen, a key source of fuel for exercise. To maximize glycogen replacement, the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Dietetic Association recommend taking in a serving of carbohydrates within 30 minutes after a long and vigorous workout. 

Milk vs. Sports Drinks 

Common sports drinks such as Gatorade supply those carbs, as well as fluids and electrolytes lost through sweat. However, more recent research suggests that adding protein to the mix may further hasten recovery. Hence the new wave of drinks such as Endurox R4 that include protein as well as higher doses of carbs.

In the study, nine male cyclists rode until their muscles were depleted of energy, then rested four hours and biked again until exhaustion. During the rest period, the cyclists drank low-fat chocolate milk, Gatorade, or Endurox R4. During a second round of exercise, the cyclists who drank the chocolate milk were able to bike about 50% longer than those who drank Endurox, and about as long as those who drank the Gatorade. 

The findings suggest that chocolate milk has an optimal ratio of carbohydrates to protein to help refuel tired muscles, researcher Joel M. Stager, PhD, Indiana University kinesiology professor, tells WebMD.

But the most puzzling result of the study, experts say, was why Endurox -- which has the same carb-to-protein ratio as the chocolate milk -- fared so poorly. Researcher Jeanne D. Johnston, MA, tells WebMD it may have to do with the different composition of the sugars in the milk. Another theory is that the sugars in the milk may be better absorbed in the gut than those in the Endurox.

Edward F. Coyle, PhD, a researcher on exercise and hydration at the University of Texas, tells WebMD the trial would have been stronger if the researchers had also tested the effect of flavored water or another dummy (placebo) drink. 

The study was partly funded by the Dairy and Nutrition Council, an industry group. Coyle says that the study’s reliance on industry funding is not unusual in the world of sports research, as federal funding for such research is hard to come by.

A Cheaper Alternative? 

While rapid nutrient replacement may not be important for casual exercisers, it can make a big difference in performance for competitive athletes who work out vigorously once or twice a day, says Roberta Anding, a sports dietitian and spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association.

Anding has long recommended chocolate milk for young athletes who come to her practice at Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston. For children and teenagers from lower-income families, it doesn’t make sense to spend serious money on sports drinks when they can get milk as part of a subsidized lunch program, she tells WebMD. The only advantage of sports drinks, she notes, is that they never spoil. 

Ayoob estimates that more than two-thirds of teenagers should be drinking more milk anyway because they don’t get enough calcium in their diets. He also recommends milk for its vitamin D and potassium content. “For me, this is a no-brainer,
Originally Posted by soflyjedi

what are some good protein shakes anyone??? how is monster milk?

mix it yourself, it's cheaper and you can control the ratio of carbs to fat to protein.
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