NT True Life - I'm an alcoholic

Oct 1, 2006
After a bad experience last night at my employee party that was only the latest in a string of alcohol abuse by me i've decided i need to stop drinkingonly 3 weeks after my 21st birthday...it runs in the blood and i have had occurences of hallucination...it's time to stop unfortunately...I know you guysare gonna say get a blog but has anyone ever had any experience with going sober?
i gotta quit smoking weed due to probation so i can dig it.

this is my 4th day sober and i haven't been sober this long since march, before then i cant even remember my longest period of sobriety. the first day isthe hardest imo.

the most important thing is that you've admitted it and you're ready to get your %@#@ together.
hallucinations when drinking???

the hell you drinkin? put me on some of that!
First days are always toughest. My boy got his 2nd DUI in less than 18 months so he had to do 8 weeks of house arrest and blow into a machine every morning andevening to make sure he wasnt drinking. They also had him take random piss tests so he couldnt puff. Said the first 2 weeks were real tough (we typically drinkor smoke virtually every day... yea... im an alki too) but after that he said it got a lot better. Good luck.
Originally Posted by awon23

hallucinations when drinking???

the hell you drinkin? put me on some of that!
they occur when i'm blacked out so i don't remember any of it...i think i'm in another city or somewhere else...it's an advancedsign of alcoholism
i think i was a alcoholic for 2 years after i turned 21. i was seriously out 4-5 nights a week and i would start drinking while im at work since the boss gaveus the ok to drink during the last few hours of work. i didnt know what being hungover felt like because i was always hungover. but now i almost never go outbecause im over it.

i think you need to just get it out your system early.
Originally Posted by PJ and Bompton

Originally Posted by awon23

hallucinations when drinking???

the hell you drinkin? put me on some of that!
they occur when i'm blacked out so i don't remember any of it...i think i'm in another city or somewhere else...it's an advanced sign of alcoholism
well that cant be good
Drinking can effect everyone differently.

Sometimes it just isn't meant to be man.

Props for hanging it up.
Originally Posted by nbirn2103

Drinking can effect everyone differently.

Sometimes it just isn't meant to be man.

Props for hanging it up.
reading about the hallucinations and other symptoms + my father abusing alcohol before going sober for 20+ years i've come to the decisionthat it's time to call it quits...i'm embarassed to go into work though i don't know who was there when i was wylin out...
ive been drinking since 15

but ive been clean on xanax for almost 3 years

i still drink and smoke kush tho...but i dont drink as hard i used to
Once it hits thursday night I start drinking and dont stop till sunday night. On weekends that are not popping I tend to drink by myself and play some games.Yet, I still refuse to call myself an alcoholic.
i could never really do the drinking stuff, never wanted to feel drunk. is it better then getting high?
Originally Posted by petermans

Once it hits thursday night I start drinking and dont stop till sunday night. On weekends that are not popping I tend to drink by myself and play some games. Yet, I still refuse to call myself an alcoholic.

time to admit it bruh...

good luck dude, and honestly, alcohol is one of those things that I can see why people love it so much, but don't understand why people overdo it. i'vebeen plastered many a times, but i can go the rest of my life without another drink and not sweat it.

i was at one point mentally addicted to bud, but i havent smoked in over a month now. will get back to it once i feel i'm mentally prepared.
I'm struggling to decide what to do now...do i just try and control myself when i drink or do i go completely sober...i'm not sure...
me and my buddies always like to joke about alcoholism but the real thing is dead serious. good luck with your stuff
Well you're on the right track..admitting you have a problem.

But now you might need professional help..quitting on your own is damn near impossible for recovering alcoholics.

You may quit for 3 weeks..3 months etc..but once you slip up and relapse it's back to square one.

You need a support system too..doing this alone would be so tough.
Originally Posted by FlashEightZero

me and my buddies always like to joke about alcoholism but the real thing is dead serious. good luck with your stuff

we've always joked about it saying yeah we're alcoholics but last night it became real...at my damn employee party actin a fool, tried to fight someoneapparently when i was getting at some girl...then not too long later thought i was in palm springs...i've also been getting angry when i'm drunk whichis weird because i'm not an angry person whatsoever...i can go without drinking during the week but it's gonna be staying completely sober that'sgonna be the hard part...
adding on to my post to answer your question OP

I think that once you get your problem under control..and I mean control. You shouldn't drink at all.
It's that slippery slope effect..once you have one..you have to have another,etc.

Once you get it under control you can probably enjoy a drink or 2 responsibly if you feel you can handle it and keep that limit.
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