NT vs. ST

Dam I havent been on NT in awhile and I came back to see sneakertalk.

I was glad that they made this site because if that would of been the new NT...:smh:
eh. we needed to thin out the herd anyways.

I agree with this to a certain degree. However, I'm sure most of us agree that the way it went down was dirty. I am a person who hates to lose at anything or feel as if I got taken advantage of. In this case, I feel as if we all got taken advantage of by "sanjay" or whatever their names are.

Is it safe to say that:

Steve (ISS) > Sanjay (ST) ?
SneakerTalk would be poppin' if it was the uncensored version of NT.

But since it isn't there's no point of goin' there :\
dude..knowing our community, i speculate 1 in every 3 threads would be porn

#NT twitter is the uncensored version of NT. ******** was more nostalgic before social media really erupted and took off. It was like BET Uncut pretty much.
Anyone who goes on that site thinking NT magically switched to ST and continues to post there isn't a true NT'er.. let em stay over there :lol:
^ I'm thinking (praying) he knew that. I've heard people say Bolivia as a joke. I'm sure that's what he was doing.
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