Nt, Was I Wrong

On the real, I know y'all dudes on here better than him.

I dig that tho... I mean to each his own, you shouldn't feel badcause other people might of did it different from you... you'll find out what it was sooner or later.
Damn. I would have answered that one fam. Just on the strength that he called twice. Might have needed you to call someone for him in a tough situation.
same phone number as when u were in the 4th grade? not only that, but dude remembers too?!?
that call woulda went straight to vm...if I see an nypd on my caller ID, I'm not picking up....if its one of my dudes, then I would get a secondaryphone call
If someone you know was hurt someone closer or more current to you would have called you..... not some dude from since elementary school. And from the poilcedept.? please
@ the when he gets out comment and UNC comment

@ the snitch. do you right click peeps avy's?
Man, I did the same thing. #*+$ you calling me for?...

3 days later i see him..
him: "why you keep hanging up, its free the first 2 min.."
Me: " i didn't know that, like i have people calling me daily from the pin and what the was i going to do for you?.."
Him: "Help me out.."
Me: =/
Don't get me wrong though, if it was somebody I %#!!#! with like that (or even talked to within the last year or 2), I would have took the call...but notthis extra random %#* %$$%#
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