NT, What Beer Do You Drink?

Had some Prairie Brimstone Bomb! the other day. Damn good Imperial Stout. Also had a small sample of the Christmas Bomb! that someone else ended up getting. I did like it but definitely not as much as the Brimstone. Shame that they never last any longer than one day down here.

Also planning on getting some Homebrew equipment over the beginning of the New Year. Gotta get some good books on homebrewing.
I revisited bomb a few weeks ago and it lives up to the hype. It's amazing. I have a christmas and pirate bomb I am saving for a Christmas Day bottle share with one of my good friends.
Just getting into this craft beer thing,tried a few the other day Chimay Blue(ok) Terrapin RecreationAle(did not like),and West 6th Cocoa Porter(again ok,added points for being local).Can I get some recommendations,my tastes haven't developed much past "American Lager" or similar styles,for reference my favorite beer is Golden Export at Gordon Biersch.So any recommendations would be helpful as I'm new to this.I live in KY so things that are available in the Midwest are the most readily available...Thanks

Get one of those variety 12-packs. Good way to try out different styles of beers then go from there. Also hitup your local brewery and try a sampler flight.

Sipping on this tonight. Tasting like a liquid gingerbread cookie. Fantastic stuff!

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Get one of those variety 12-packs. Good way to try out different styles of beers then go from there. Also hitup your local brewery and try a sampler flight.

Sipping on this tonight. Tasting like a liquid gingerbread cookie. Fantastic stuff!

Decided to open another one because it's tuesday and why not.
How's hard is it to obtain that gingerbread stout? I've heard noting but good reviews.
I revisited bomb a few weeks ago and it lives up to the hype. It's amazing. I have a christmas and pirate bomb I am saving for a Christmas Day bottle share with one of my good friends.

It's definitely one of the better stouts I've had before. Extremely smooth. Prairie had a few reps doing things at the local bars but their main event which had like 5 different versions of Bomb was way on the other side of town and I wasn't really feeling driving all that way. Totally should have to get a sample of that Prairie Vanilla.:{
How's hard is it to obtain that gingerbread stout? I've heard noting but good reviews.

I don't think it's trading too high right now. I'm sure there's people out there willing to trade for some Cali stuff. I was fortunate enough to have a trading partner in VA who sent me a few bottles. He's gonna send me some BA ones also. I still have an extra bottle, hit me up and maybe we can work something out :D .
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Thanks for the help guys,I look forward to participating in this thread....If any of you have a Mellow Mushroom in your area it's a great way to try a lot of different beers and get rewarded for it... Tried Spotted Cow last night which I'm sure most of you have had,enjoyed it quite a bit...
Does anyone have Instagram? I'm going to start posting under the hashtags #NTbeers and #TeamCraftBeer I think.

i pretty much only post beer shots these days, with the rare, occasional concert or shoe pic..
here's my latest, btw

I think the wax drip on that Abyss on the left is killer.
And one of those Barleywines is gone. Shared it with a cousin who is a huge fan of barleywines and bourbon. It was delicious...
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I hit up Goose Island Bar after I went to Lagunita's Monday and they have some "only there" beers and I had a few, one being a Barleywine; it was incredible. I'm still unsure what I wanna do with my haul this year of BC. Save it a year and let it age, or just drink it. Odds are, I won't be in line next year for this stuff so I may just drink it. 
Anyone ever see this?  I got the chance to try one yesterday and I was actually really impressed.  I generally only drink water or beer, and haven't had a soda in at least a decade,  but I could see myself drinking this once a month or so.  Imagine a hoppy sprite.
^ Damb bro :{

Went up to OC and hit up the Bruery. Got to try the Mole and Coffee Smoking Wood variants. Good stuff. A little sharp for my palate, but not bad at all. Also got to try their Mash. I'm convinced I will never like barleywines. Tastes like I'm drinking a liquefied leather couch.
Cracked open a bottle of Avery Tweak about 30 minutes ago.  Took three sips and down the drain it went.  Something about Avery's bigger, barrel-aged beers just really don't do it for me.  I'm now 0/3 with them.  Always just end up getting a ton of booze and a ton of sweetness with not much else.  I know Tweak gets a 99 on BA, but I just don't get the appeal...and this is coming from someone that LOVES coffee stouts.
^ That sucks man. I know those bottles costs a pretty penny.

Sipping on some FBS right now. So damn good!
Found a little spot by me that still have 4 packs of the Bourbon County Stout so I picked one up yesterday. $30.99 
Man...I dunno if I could spend that much on Stouts. Not a big fan of the style except for a couple standouts like the Vietnamese coffee variant of Alesmith's Speedway Stout.
If you like the Vietnames Coffee Speedway Stout, there are a whole bunch of stouts out there as good and better.
If you like the Vietnames Coffee Speedway Stout, there are a whole bunch of stouts out there as good and better.

Oh I bet. I mainly only buy and drink IPA's and sours, and only try stouts and porters if they're highly recommended to me by the homie at the bottle shop, my friends are cracking bottles of em at a share, or take a quick sip of what they ordered at bars. A guy brought Abraxas to a share and I definitely helped myself to a few more pours after I tasted it.
If you like the Vietnames Coffee Speedway Stout, there are a whole bunch of stouts out there as good and better.

Hmmmm.......name them.

Off the top of the head, these are at the very least as good...BCBCS, FBS, Parabola, Imperial Biscotti, Abyss.

I've never tried Hunahpu's, Dark Lord, Mexican Cake, etc. but I'm sure are as good too.
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Looking for a pat on the back here. Totally passed up an unlimited amount of Abyss today.. $15.99.. I'm trying for something new. I was sorta bummed last night when I had a $24 bomber of Barrel Aged Old Rasputin. It was good but something was missing.. That beer really struck a nerve with me. I tend to drink beer and move onto the next ASAP. Liking a rare beer is a tough position to be in.. Congrats, now I can't find it or have to spend way too much to keep up that habit. Only six pack/four packs will be an attempt of mine for the rest of the year.

Instead , as I intended, I used up their $1 off six/four pack coupon and put it to full use...
Ended up with a case worth of beer:
-2 x elevated 4 packs, week old
- 1 x Ten Fidy (this is now my GO TO imperial stout) four pack, dated 11/20/14. Never seen it so fresh
-1 Palauner Munich Helles six pack for the pops
-1 Deschutes Chasing Freshies six pack (dated best by 3/11/15)
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