NT, What Beer Do You Drink?

been on st. arnold's "santo" past couple of weeks...awesome flavor...

In the past it's been Guinness

To this day it's still Guinness, with a Gin and Tonic in the mix of drink orders
My wife's favorite (and a great beer to make beer floats with). Always have a stock of that in my fridge. 12oz and bombers.
The best Rogue beer, IMO.
Having a green flash double stout, tasty but i've had better that were rated less. And how in the hell is a 6er of sculpin 18 bucks? smh at that east coast markup.
$18 was what I paid in AZ for sculpin... At it's best, You may find it for $15 in that area. It makes what I pay for local greatness a damn steal. Check bevmo.com or totalwine, with CA stores check marked, and you can compare.

Considering how good it is, and it's abv, its really not that bad of a deal when its all said and done. Other beers do have better values though. Considering prices at bars are in the $4-7 range for a pint, a $3 per 12 oz. beer is not too bad. FYI, it definitely beats out bomber prices though. $9 for what I have locally in bomber form is quite a bit higher than a $18 sixer of sculpin.
Two shelves of beer fridge DONE. One left. I have about 9 bombers left. I have a big trade coming in this weekend. Traded away some LC goodies for a mix of east coast stuff.
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Lots of talk that Founders will be releasing CBS sometime this year. Kegs are being tapped around the city starting today.
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