NT, What Beer Do You Drink?

More quickstrike goodies from the beer distributor today.  I'd like to take this time to remind everyone that there is absolutely nothing better than a fresh Heady Topper.

Okay, i'd be willing to trade the parabola for a goose island bcbs (any kind). I think it's going to come out in about a month.
Newbs: Same to you, brotha. And HBD in advance.

Consider Peppers an early gift. If Hand goes to AA, I'll lose it.

Have a standing invite to catch a game. Family friend is a senior. She's an athlete, knows Lewan and the other major football players.

For sure... AA is great college town... Peppers and Hand would be a nice combo for this team... Need playmakers badly

Cantillion Zwanze, very nice, like a mix of the classic geuze and cuvee
The lineup for today's sports extravaganza. Rogue is chocolate, peanut butter, and banana ale *drools*

^ nice line up


Picked these up for today's events

Never had anything from Alpine Beer Company but i found this. its about a month old will see...

This Dudes Double Trunk is pretty good. 11 for a four pack tho. From L.A so i supported. They make this Pecan

ale thing, stay away from it.

Blind Pig x2

Pliny x2


Ten Fidy

Have a safe weekend ya'll
yeahitsRUST, Look what I had last night?


Your homemade hot sauces were a bit overwhelming. Wasn't expecting so much. This man knows what he is doing. I got some stuff on the way out really soon. You made my month.

Regarding Founder's breakfast stout.. WOW! If this was distributed my way, why drink anything else? The taste is so subtle. The alcohol hints, the chocolate. It's like a USDA prime piece of meat, where its so tender, it just melts in your mouth. The mouthfeel is world class. I just can't get enough of this. The flavors are all so well hidden, and a bit subtle, that it leaves you thinking initially that the beer may be too simple or plain. But then your taste buds really pick up on the different things the beer has going for it... Simply world class stuff.

To slightly compare with TEN FIDY and a Stone RIS, Founder's is a whole step above them, a true 10 out of 10. Ten Fidy has a bit more of a syrupy thick texture, and more of a booze taste. Stone has a bit more carbonation. While Founder's makes it just that PERFECT beer.. It really is.

Many more reviews coming soon.
ive always been a fan of porters. any suggestions?

Anchor, Fuller's, Stone smoked porter

Fat belly dudes in here 

I drink way too much beer, but i'm still 12% BF. I'll admit it's what's keeping me from a 6 pack though.

Taking a much needed "vacation" away from alcohol. Self-imposed to save money and calories. Enjoy all the Octoberfest beers for me, fellas.

Think i'm going to take a 3 week break until an Oktoberfest event my friend throws. 20 taps of homebrews by various friends/acquaintances :pimp:

^ nice line up

Sucaba :wow: :wow: :wow:

Picked these up for today's events

Never had anything from Alpine Beer Company but i found this. its about a month old will see...
This Dudes Double Trunk is pretty good. 11 for a four pack tho. From L.A so i supported. They make this Pecan
ale thing, stay away from it.

Blind Pig x2
Pliny x2
Ten Fidy

Have a safe weekend ya'll

Nice pickup with the Duet. I'm in SD and I can't find these on shelves anywhere. But then again they're pretty easy to find on tap at the beer bars around my way :pimp:

yeahitsRUST, Look what I had last night?


Your homemade hot sauces were a bit overwhelming. Wasn't expecting so much. This man knows what he is doing. I got some stuff on the way out really soon. You made my month.

Regarding Founder's breakfast stout.. WOW! If this was distributed my way, why drink anything else? The taste is so subtle. The alcohol hints, the chocolate. It's like a USDA prime piece of meat, where its so tender, it just melts in your mouth. The mouthfeel is world class. I just can't get enough of this. The flavors are all so well hidden, and a bit subtle, that it leaves you thinking initially that the beer may be too simple or plain. But then your taste buds really pick up on the different things the beer has going for it... Simply world class stuff.

To slightly compare with TEN FIDY and a Stone RIS, Founder's is a whole step above them, a true 10 out of 10. Ten Fidy has a bit more of a syrupy thick texture, and more of a booze taste. Stone has a bit more carbonation. While Founder's makes it just that PERFECT beer.. It really is.

Many more reviews coming soon.

Founder's needs to distribute to CA :smh:

Cantillion Zwanze, very nice, like a mix of the classic geuze and cuvee

Zwanze Day in Denver was a freaking blast. It was at Crooked Stave's brewery/barrel cellar, and it was awesome. Everyone brought rare bottles of everything and their own sampling glasses, and you just popped bottles/opened cans and went up and down the line sharing. I had a ton of great stuff, from Allagash Curieux to Bat Creek Barleywine to Santa Fe Brewing Company Kriek to Cascade Elderberry and a bunch more. About a dozen or so samples including the Boulevard Saison-Brett 2011 & Two Jokers we brought.

The one I missed out on that bummed me out was Heady. Dammit.

Then we got inside and Crooked Stave brought out some of their rarest sours to sell alongside the Cantillon selections. I had the Waelz Blood peach sour, and the missus had the Mama Bear Sour Cherry Pie. Both were amazing.

Then it was time to get our Zwanze pour and the toast. I liked the Zwanze, but it wasn't my favorite from Cantillon by far. Just different. And we also got a pour of Classic Gueuze and Saint-Gilloise (Champions) with our $20. Those were incredible.

We also snagged Zwanze Day shirts. All in all, it was crazy fun and I'd definitely do it again. That and any big bottle release lineup to share beers with great people.
yeahitsRUST, Look what I had last night?


Your homemade hot sauces were a bit overwhelming. Wasn't expecting so much. This man knows what he is doing. I got some stuff on the way out really soon. You made my month.

Regarding Founder's breakfast stout.. WOW! If this was distributed my way, why drink anything else? The taste is so subtle. The alcohol hints, the chocolate. It's like a USDA prime piece of meat, where its so tender, it just melts in your mouth. The mouthfeel is world class. I just can't get enough of this. The flavors are all so well hidden, and a bit subtle, that it leaves you thinking initially that the beer may be too simple or plain. But then your taste buds really pick up on the different things the beer has going for it... Simply world class stuff.

To slightly compare with TEN FIDY and a Stone RIS, Founder's is a whole step above them, a true 10 out of 10. Ten Fidy has a bit more of a syrupy thick texture, and more of a booze taste. Stone has a bit more carbonation. While Founder's makes it just that PERFECT beer.. It really is.

Many more reviews coming soon.

Sorry I haven't replied to your messages brotha! I took a small but very spontaneous weekend off for the wife's birthday. Got to see the 3 game series for the Padres against the Braves. Took 2 out of 3 and had a blast.

Anyways, glad you got the hotsauce without any breakage. I would have tripped out if I saw a bottle popping out of the corner of a box. Super stoked to hear that the FBS didn't disappoint. Its easily one of my top 3 "easily accessible" brews. Did the glass make it ok? Frog Level is from my hometown, actually a family friend and he is on facebook if you want to know more. Frog Level Brewing Company Waynesville NC. Cheers my friend!

If anyone has easy access to Alpine stuff out of SD I would be very interested. Based, I know we had a trade fall through but that was because I was beginning and I had just planned an unexpected trip to SD way back when. If you're still interested in anything please let me know. I've done 12 trades over NT and BA total.

Anyways boys, Sunday Night Football im downing an Oktoberfest from Foothills brewing and Shipyards Smashed Pumpkin.
Had this the other day. Big ups to yeahitsRUST on the variety.
Terrapin Pumpkinfest
I'm not too keen on how many pumpkin beers are brewed. They really try to test bitterness with what should be a sweet belgium like nectar.. This one had the pumpkin/all spice smell to it, and was quite easy to drink. Almost no bitterness.. A solid 8 out of 10 with no off flavors. This may be as high as pumpkin beers go for me.

Also had some local stuff.
Marble Pilsner 4.7% ABV.
This one tastes a bit hoppier than it should for its style. It almost has the finish/mouthfeel of a standard APA. So be forewarned of that.. After a few drinks though, the hop taste isn't as strong, and the other light characteristics come out.. This one won a Bronze at the GABF in 2012. The malt doesn't make this one too sweet. So it's a very easy to drink session beer. (canning of it just started back in April-May). I may be off with it being the hops that is making things a bit tense in the initial tasting. It could be how the carbonation is setup making it a bit on the high end. Overall, 8.5 out of 10. I could drink this everyday and be happy


Now onto a challenge some 6 months in the making.... If you back to around March, I made a mention of some family going out of town and being able to pick up some DFH (it's not as readily available as you may think). After some 60 minute IPA purchases, 90 minute IPA, and some other brands not available here, I made it a point of sorts to put one bottle/can aside for this big bonanza tasting.

With IPAs as many are aware, they don't tend to age that well. So there may have been some skewed tastings going on. But the good news is that, all of my purchases were bought near or around March into mid May. Nothing else is completely fresh giving away which one is better in that regard.

These beers ranged in review scores from I believe 85 to 97, with a good majority sitting above 90. I kind of went a not available in my state EAST COAST challenge vs. LOCAL products vs. a few WEST COAST/SW beers to even things out.

We have
Ipswitch IPA (out of Ipswitch, MA)
Dogfigh Head 60 Minute IPA (Delaware)
Odell's IPA (Colorado)
Sierra Nevada Torpedo (California)
La Cumbre Elevated IPA (New Mexico)
Santa Fe Happy Camper IPA (New Mexico)
Marble IPA (New Mexico)

We went with a complete blind pouring with a 1 through 7 designation.

I have had Marble IPA before countless times, and La Cumbre is had weekly. So I went with the route of smelling each one first.. I pretty much knew which one was LC right away. The smell that I'm aware of is present right away. I'm not sure if familiarity won out here but it was fun to try. SF happy camper I have occasionally, along with both Odell and Torpedo. I've had Ipswitch just once prior, along with just a six pack of 60 min, 6 months back. Having had Marble IPA before, I really couldn't pinpoint which one it was just by smell. I had to wait for the taste portion.

I ended up tasting each one, giving little notes to remind me of things. I then ranked them by numbers, waiting for the reveal..

Rank wise, I ended up loving La Cumbre, noting it having a very strong hop bite. I then had a three way tie for 2nd, with Marble, Odell, and Torpedo. 5th was Dogfish head 60 who most realize has a meh type hop presence, and is seen more as a intro to IPAs type beer. 6th was a two way tie with SF happy camper, and Ipswitch IPA. Both of those beers ended up having two of the lowest BA review scores, 85 and 86 respectively.

The 4-6 month time swing IMHO did not hamper this experience one bit. All beers may have suffered a slight 10 IBU drop. but the hop bombs stayed as such, and it all balanced out.

My father actually chose La Cumbre as his least favorite beer, citing the hop bomb presence only happening with that beer. That the others happened to have balanced profiles. So I found that bit interesting. One was not like the others. And for me, that made it the best. And for him, the worst.

In closing, I'm not sure I accomplished much here. I love LC's beer, and it happened to be the highest rated. So maybe my senses were geared towards quality that translated directly with the review scores? I think I've come close to knowing what is good beer. but who knows.


90 minute IPA, Hop Wallop, lagunitas sucks, and a double trouble from Founders is up next in a DOUBLE IPA blind challenge.. The big boys are coming out to play here this weekend
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What's a good website so I can understand the differences between the types of beers and be able to tell them apart? :nerd:


Try these two websites, personally there are a few styles that are generally more well-known than others, maybe start with something you've had that you've liked and search for other beers of the same style first.

Pretty much this. I used to frequent a bar near campus with a lot of craft brews and would use people's reviews on these sites as a guide for what to try. In the process I started being able to pick up the notes and appreciate the beers.
I think I'm allergic to one of two beers.
At my local Counter, they have The Dudes' Grandma's Pecan (delicious btw, even if dude up there said it wasn't) and Rogue Hazelnut.
The last two times I've gone, I've gotten both. And by the time I leave the restaurant, I'm sneezing my head off. :lol:
Lame. I really enjoy both.

Treating myself to a 6-pack of Brooklyn Oktober. Worked out hard the past five days. Throwing a steak on the grill and sipping one or two with Suits and SoA.

Usually stick to Sammy and Spaten Oktober. Any other accessible recommendations?

Thoughts on Yuengling's Oktober?
What's a good website so I can understand the differences between the types of beers and be able to tell them apart? :nerd:

If you have a Total Wine around your way or want to view it on your iphone/ipad, this guide is great

The only way I was able to get into craft beers was with a full head of steam. Go to a brewery and order up a sampler tray. Taste, taste, taste. Once you find something you like, start to pinpoint why you like it and aim for that with other beers. If you can't do samples, more and more places are selling individual bottles.

ChampCruThik, Paulaner Octoberfest is a year round offering and is pretty much the standard go-to Octoberfest easily accessible beer around.
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