NT What Irks You While You're Driving Vol. Stop Staring

PEOPLE THAT STOP AT YIELD SIGNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i hate that crap, im thinkging they are going to roll through cuz no ones around, and they stop

almost get in a rear-end accident n crap >=0
Originally Posted by Jumpshot

- Women
- Women driving large vehicles.
- People driving slow.
- People that keep slowing down and braking.
- Old people.
- Dudes tryin' race me cause they think my Corolla is {()}, but it's not. I'll destroy you in a race with my Corolla.
- Cops.
- Stupid dumb kids that are just starting to drive.
- People who make full stops at stop signs. Just roll through, especially if nobody's coming or nobody's around.

I dont know how it is up there but cops look to hide behind bushes and trees down here and actually that's how they got me. I make full stops now.

- People who honk at you when the turning signal goes green when you're NEXT to the turning lane/People who use the lane next to the turning lane as aturning lane when its illegal.
Jayhood, a lot of people don't even know/remember what the signs actually mean. They'd probably think that you're resting your hand on the top ofyour door or resting your hand out the window.

I hate when drivers don't signal, or just turn their signal on as they're turning.
I also hate when people are in a rush to get to a red light. Speeding up just to stop isn't a good look. In this recession we can't afford to burnextra gas.I hate people that can't control their car and swerve around the lane. They'll be crossing over into the next lane because they'rewreckless.
People that break for absolutely NO reason in front of me.
+%!! yourlife!

If theres 5 lanes merging into 4 or 3 on the left, theres no reason to break if you are all the effin way to the right. I mean really.

Stopping super far away from the light/stop sign.

People that drive slower than 40mph.

Why you gotta cut infront of me when you KNOW i'm hauling +#%? You can tell when a car is going fast, douche!

People who speed up to get in front of me, and then begin to drive slowly.

People who break fully to turn, AND don't use the blinkers.

People that are terrified of the road.
Originally Posted by MECKS

PEOPLE THAT STOP AT YIELD SIGNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i hate that crap, im thinkging they are going to roll through cuz no ones around, and they stop
This too. Morons.

Also, if the light is red but theres a green arrow to turn right...+@* would you stop if you're turning right?!
People that speeding hella fast, only to slow down to a redlight. I hate that @%$!, and when the light turns green, they burn rubber to try tobeat the yellow light, then they make a last minute decision to stop.

The one that really gets me, is impatient drivers. Drivers that abuse their horn, they tryna honk at me, i'm like "+*@%@ it justturned green!"
people drivin hella crazy
people try staring me down when they have a piece of $&^@ car thinkin they doin it
- people who are originally on a right turn lane and suddenly cut 3-4 lanes in one swift movement to go to the left turn lane.
are you serious?
- ridiculously slow drivers on the ample freeway... i'm talking about 30-40 mph in a 65 mph zone.
- when i'm on the right lane of the freeway & cars merge into the freeway hella slowly

- people who don't signal and expect me to let them merge. i got flicked off on several occasions

- when people don't know their right of way on four way stops.
- people stopping at yield signs
Where do i start

Women drivers
driving in the back of a packed car
staring at red lights
my boy said people at bus stops staring...i agree.
Originally Posted by JayHood23

Originally Posted by ballinamillion1

Originally Posted by JayHood23

I'm finally back from my 2 week bid (2nd 2 week ban in a month) but anyway I was driving today and there are a few things that bother me when I'm on the road.

-When I'm at a red light and the person next to me stares uncontrollably at you like they need something.
-People that try to race you on the low when the light turns green.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]-Failure to signal, I mean really how lazy do you have to be to flick your turn signal.[/color]
-When people signal a mile before they make a right or left turn.
-Dudes that are leaned all the way in the back seat with the radio blasting thinking they are cool especially in a beater.

That's it for now....post yours.
my blinkers stopped working
everytime I have to make a left turn without a left turn lane I feel like a complete and total @#%
I have to alter my driving like drive an extra block just not to #+!% with people I need to get these things fixed
Left turn

Right turn

Originally Posted by Jumpshot

- Women
- Women driving large vehicles.
- People driving slow.
- People that keep slowing down and braking.
- Old people.
- Cops.
- Stupid dumb kids that are just starting to drive.
- People who make full stops at stop signs. Just roll through, especially if nobody's coming or nobody's around.
People driving on the phone in the fast lane going 40mph...

Almost making a complete stop to turn in a compact car...@+@
People driving slow on a one lane street.

People that leave their blinkers one forever (without ever making a turn).

People that honk the split-millisecond that a light turns green.

People that drive slow in the fast lane.

People that don't let you in their lane, even though they are driving slow and without any kind of desire to get to their destination.
People going slow in the fast lane.
Women drivers.
Women drivers.
Women drivers.
People pulling out in front of me and then go slower than what I was going
Women drivers.
Slow in the fast lane
People talking on their cell phones in the fast lane.
Random breaking.
Driving with blinkers on and not turning.
Originally Posted by 36hypno

I forgot the most important one....people that drive cars that the police drive
You're tellin me... all the cops where I live are driving Chevy Tahoes and every person that lives here seems to drive one too...
at night its a mess, always be fully stopping at stop signs to realize its just some person that lives over hear not a cop...

But one of my biggest pet peeves is when the person in front of you is just doing anything bad, randomly stabbing the brakes, not
signaling turns, barely keeping it in their lane, etc... and when you get next to them they are talking on the damn phone
Originally Posted by 36hypno

I forgot the most important one....people that drive cars that the police drive

I agree. Until I see you're carrying a family or you don't have red and blues, I'm slowing my @*$ down. I move over for Impalas, Suburbans/Tahoes,Crown Vics, Marauders, Expeditions, and Chargers all the time. Hell, even Malibus. I can never be too cautious.
When people can see up ahead their lane is about to end and there's tons of space behind me, and instead of merging you try to shoehorn in front of me. Ican't lie, I be an @%# sometimes and won't let you in. Even worse when all the traffic builds up because of the one lane, and again the person in thelane knows they're in a land that is ending and can see the big neon flashing arrow, and they just drive up to the front and someone lets them in.

People who have to come to a complete stop to make a right turn

People who won't let me slow down when I'm trying to turn and get all up on me

When people pull up directly parallel to you and be all chekcing you out, staring a hole in the side of your head

People who run the red light on left turns, wastes like 10 seconds of time for the straight across group who is going to get the next green

Being tailgated

How people love to stay in the far left most lane til the final second before jumping across 4 lanes with no signal to exit off right.

When people turn into the 2nd lane and not the first, and you're in the second lane so you just assume they're pulling into the first lane becausethere's room there and that's how you're supposed to do anyways but they pull out in front of you going 5mph in their 83 Buick

Weird stoplight configurations. We have a place here where to turn left you come out, but there's another light half way before you fully turn on becausethey can also make a U turn at that light and you assume you just turn left onto the road and go but the straight light is literally like 2ft after you turn onand it's always red when your left is green so you run it. I can't even really explain it, but it makes absolutely no sense. Only reason thereisn't tons of wrecks there is because people are used to it

Left turn yield on green- What the #+!$! Defeats the purpose of the light.
-driving with my iPod FM transmitter on, listening to my jamz, and then some *+$@$** also with a iPod FM transmitter drives next to me with the same frequency!
-people stare
-woman drivers
-people with systems and when they try to compete with mine
-people with rims who get mad because mine are nicer/cleaner then theirs
-people who cut you off
-no signals
-cops not obeying the rules
-brake checking (though its fun to do)
-speeders inching up to my bumper
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