NT What Kinda Cell Phone You Have? Vol. I Got A Nokia Wit Snake


env2 I love this phone. Texting's the bomb on it.
quick question to ATT users: I dont usually text with my iPhone bu this month I texted 300 msgs at the .20 cent rate... If I were to add an unlimited messagingplan right now would that override the .20 cent rate and just count as part of the unlimited plan?

i want a new one before school starts but i guess i can hold out for a bit longer
Do you guys think the Touch Pro or AT&T Fuze will ever get a price drop? It's still $299.99 to my knowledge and the lady at the AT&T store said noprice drop. EVER.

Is she telling the truth? She might just have been annoyed that day. Her reasoning was the phone from HTC before the Touch Pro was the Tilt and that neverreceived a price drop, so this phone won't either.

Any help?
Originally Posted by JJGRT5

quick question to ATT users: I dont usually text with my iPhone bu this month I texted 300 msgs at the .20 cent rate... If I were to add an unlimited messaging plan right now would that override the .20 cent rate and just count as part of the unlimited plan?

yes of course...
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