Nt what would YOU do.....

Apr 6, 2008
Ok nt so i am an orderly ( yes male nurse haha...
)at a nursinghome and I take online courses for school... Well Im working toward my degree in respiratory therapy and thought working in the nursing home would kinda giveme experience in the medical field ... I just passed my state test and now im a CNA ( Certified nursing assistant..) anyway I was chillin at my boys the otherday and his mom was talking bout how her brother was wanting to come out the hospital but he has to have someone with him 24 hours of the day.. They havesomeone for 8am till 8pm.. but they need someone for night.. they asked me and Im not sure If I should or not .. I would be living in his home with free cableinternet and my own room... BUT I would be there everynight of the week... and have everyother weekend off they are offering me $8 an hour cash.. Which equalsout to be about 675 a week cash.. That all sounds good but do you think it's a good idea to have to be tied down there 7 days a week? So im asking NT whatwould you do?
Originally Posted by niCke1z

Why don't u jus try it out first and then make ur decision from there.

Because this isnt just some guy it's my boys uncle and im not just gonna do their fam like that... They need to know for sure that I could be there...

Also for the one saying 8 an hour wouldn't cut it.. Im not doing hardly anything I would be chillin with him for like 2 hours dude goes to bed mad earlyand he can do most stuff on his own I just gotta help him in bed and to the bathroom if he needs to go..
ok so 8 an hr is low but at the sametime u dont have to pay rent or a cable bill or internet bill. so that's gonna be 2700 straight in to ur pocket permonth without the gov taking out taxes. i say do it my dude.
You allowed to bring smash sessions around? 8pm-8am twenty sevenish days a month might be a problem. It was hell trying to squeeze sessions in when Iworked nights last year.
ok look at the negatives....

no chance to start a family...or find a girl....no night life...every other week

I would be doing this for 8 months max ... Just till dude can get back on his feet.. as far as smash sessions dude said I can have over whoever long as he cantrust em in his house..
I would not do it A) There is a possibility it will ruin your friendship with your boy B) $8 is not enough unless you have outstanding tolerance C) Only everyother weekend off
Originally Posted by jdcijordanz

how does an online degree work?

Im not gettin it online ... I just took online classes this semester through my school so I could get my cna I will be back in the fall...
Originally Posted by fittednfresh

I would be doing this for 8 months max ... Just till dude can get back on his feet.. as far as smash sessions dude said I can have over whoever long as he can trust em in his house..

8 months....= 10,800 tax free $$$ + clean/kinda empty house + smash ability. =

i dont see why you wouldnt
Well if it is for 8 months and you could live with having no social life and whatnot I say do it. I mean I think $8/hour is to little but it would be goodmoney none the less especially since your not paying rent or utilities.

Before you take this offer look at it in the long run, especially how this dude your gonna be looking after acts. Go to the house and check out the quarters aswell.

If they can guarantee you that it would be 8 months max and you can live with that, then I say do itl
Originally Posted by MnMballa2323

if hes ur boy do it, and also would it be hard work? like will u be hustlin or just straight chillen?

no harder then what I do everyday at work... actually way easier cause im not charting %!++ every ten mins and reportin to a charge nurse.. and yea I would bepretty much chillen like watchin tv with dude ( he's a lost fanatic) and giving him his medicine ...

As far as the crib its nice dude has 2 1080p setups....... and it's newly remodeled ...
do the rite thing and stay with him...the money will be good....AND you will feel good about yourself.
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