NT What's in the Back/Trunk of your Vehicle??

that keasha and that nina..... I'm bs'n I don't even want to look since I share my car with my moms.
I have around 10 pairs of basketball shoes that I keep in rotation
Two pair of golf cleats
Golf balls & Tees everywhere
Golf hats
Golf Umbrella
DS Nike Socks
Emergency Bag
Well other than my spare tire and the tools, and some audio equipment:
Hoop shoes

Running shoes

Basketball shorts

Jumper Cables (2008 car, but I just haven't bought a new battery yet)


A big umbrella and a small umbrella


broken hearts

Spoiler [+]
Now I'm driving 'round on the boulevard, trunk bleeding
And everytime the cops pull me over, they don't ever see them
bruh.. i still got cassette tapes in the trunk
 (my beater daily driver)

Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

FJ Cruiser:


how you like your FJ? im looking to cop one soon
4 pairs of beaters
Fishing pole
Tackle box
Beer bottles
Supplies to clean my car
Ice scraper
Emergency light that plugs into lighter/charger
High times magazineCar jackSpare tire

I know my rights so you gon' need a warrant for that, I ain't pass the Bar but I know a little bit, enough that you won't illegally search my *$#%.
jumper cables
a metal baseball bat if anyone comes at me crooked
gym clothes.
muddy sneakers
school books/notebooks
6 gallons of water
and the usual car necessities
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