NT whats more important to you? vol. money or the chicks

nicefro wrote:
Unrealistic ultimatums FTL. Chances are if you have all that money, you can get whomever you want in bed. If you don't there's a more limited selection made available to you but you can still smash good looking broads.

I swear its impossible to get some of you dudes to think outside the box. Everybody and their mother knows money brings beautiful women thatsalready established.
money money money is my intuition, money over Bs, such an easy decision

money son...i'll be able to provide for my parents when they get old and all the rest of my fam.
" They think we cool, they nothin but pest to me. I love $, the chicks get the rest of me "
1 your rich adn you can always make homegirl lose some weight or get some surgery

2.Your broke with 3 women. No if you do 3 girls at the same time you'll be tired after the second so you will always have a girl saying what about me afteryou get through

Originally Posted by BritEyes12

Money, seeing as i'm not into chicks.
You say that now...........
Money easy. I can fap to get off. Or make one of those contraptions with a sock and a bag. (forgot the name) I can also opt for a doll if it was that serious.OR, I could go with the real vag and smash a big, unattractive broad. Bottomline, I'd rather be able to have everything I want in life, besides a dime.Than be stressin' paycheck to paycheck with dimes under my arm.
Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

1 your rich adn you can always make homegirl lose some weight or get some surgery

2.Your broke with 3 women. No if you do 3 girls at the same time you'll be tired after the second so you will always have a girl saying what about me after you get through


I love this guy's posts, I haven't seen a single one that makes sense.
everybody knows, money comes and goes, theres never enough but still aint much without the love of my life.

- musiq/love of my life.

im talking about true love, the kind that can never be separated. not some one night stand.

the love of my life over money anyday.
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