NT what's your current job ?

Gotta love the names people give to make their jobs sound more valuable than what they really are. I love this world. I do it too so I am not getting on anyone LOL
walmart o/n deli associate
I'm a junior in college, but for spare money I coach middle school basketball and do radio broadcasts for my school's basketball teams. Fun stuff.
I'm a receptionist/support rep at a software company full time. The pay is good but it's so draining and having to deal with people that complain and #+%#+ all day long is so stressful. Definitely not worth it. I would prefer a mall job over this !@@*. haha
Accounting Technician for the government
hate it but it pays the bills, nothing I want to do long term unless I get paid more

got it through the government jobs website USAJOBS.gov
JC08 - check your inbox.

omgsitswes - you go to Northeastern U?

currently a senior economics student at northeastern.
had the final round of interviews for an equity research position last week, waiting on hearing this week. hoping for the best.
Job: Unemployed

How: I got Laidoff

Former Job: Gerber Childrendswear Inc
Position: Forklift Driver
Current Job:  General Counsel of a Private Equity Fund (Corporate Lawyer)

How I Got It:   My current employer was a client of the firm I previously worked at.  After doing two or three deals for the client, they asked me to come work for them and run their legal dept to be in chage of all law firms they hire, ensuring deals get done the way I would do them.  I never really interviewed or anything.  They made me an offer which I initially rejected.  They made me another offer which I accepted.

Current Job: Hospital Coordinator at a Pharmaceutical Company

But I'm looking to get this job at the VA hospital working in the pharmacy... That way I can keep working towards what I really want to do. (be a pharmacist)
Current Job: Teaching Assistant/ Research Assistant (stipend)

Hopefully I find a job in May that pays salary
Grounds Crew at the Portland Sea Dogs. AA team of the Red Sox
got it through my internship
Working at a call center for Everest college, yes that school in those commercials. I get complaints everyday about them. I got the job cause I graduated from college and couldn't find a job so I got a temp job in their data entry department and asked me if wanted to go on the phones.

I'm about to start my masters program in sports management.
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