NT whats your life like?

Jan 4, 2008
I wake up at 6 every morning, do the morning routine, grab a coffee, and then im off to school where i take graphic arts..... go home chill with my girl maybehit up a couple places. What do you all do, do you enjoy it?
I don't do anything. At all. Word to Office Space. Sucks because I am serious. No school, no job.
I mean I am on papers, so two days a week I go to take piss tests.
Plus community service.
Then leaving the country.
i usually wake up anywhere from 12-2. i go play basketball until about 5 or so. come home, maybe chill with some people, hang out with my family, or just siton the computer by myself. then at 10 i have work until 6. its not every night so sometimes i just sit in my room and watch tv/computer until about 4 and go tobed
I live with my moms man. I took the semester off. And I had a job but I am about to leave the country soon so I left it.
I have a ton of school work so, I'm always in class, doing homework or sleeping. Very boring.
I wake up at 7:00 am every day, morning routine, catch a ride from my aunt to HS (I'm a senior, 17)...I pretty much play piano all day. Check it out:

Chamber Choir (I sing bass, accompany pianist)
Piano (Teacher's Aide)

Walk home, play piano, go on the computer, listen to music...and if I'm feelin lonely, I spark a blunt, take a walk at 3 AM, feel like %@@*, and lookcarefully at my life. tryin real hard to be optimistic right now.
IF i'm at school, this is a typical day:
-Wake up
-Turn on computer, get dressed, go to classes
after classes:
-Randomly go on NT and waste time while trying to do homework/study.
-Go to the gym for an hour

At home:
-Wake up, eat lunch
-Play PS3 games
-Play some piano
-If friends are back home as well, I might call em up to hang out.
Originally Posted by TryHarder23

lawinn looks like your doing good in your life keep it up.

thanks, Got myself a room in SF, gonna go to SF State to maj in Piano Performance, maybe gonna start a band (I play guitar), and in front of my computer,I'll just keep at it with the beats.

Maybe I'm just feelin disillusioned right now, things aren't going my way:
prom rejection (I don't really want to go with anyone else)
being led on (by the same girl who said no, said I'm not her "type")
I hate it, when people find out something about you, for example, like the fact that you smoke, etc., they don't like you as much anymore. I mean, come on,it's something I do, not something I am, I'm still me, it's so dismissive.

...then again, you can't expect people to understand you, right? San Jose's in my blood and all, born and raised, but I can't wait to get the $*!$out of here and onto SF. i'm tired.

alright alright, 2 am- feel like ++#! blog is done. don't mean to thread jack.
Making good grades, in the best shape of my life, learning about Nike summer internships next week...I feel like it's really all coming together now;I'm happy.

All I really need right now is a girl, word to Diddy.
i immediately thought of beanie sigel after reading the title...

wake up at 620a.
sit in moving but still idiotic traffic for 40 minutes.
pretend to do work from 8a - 430p.
chill with friends (happy hour, dinner, beach, whatever) from 5p - 1a.
I feel you lawinn dont even worry bout threadjacking thats why i made this post, everything should work out for ya, your going down the right path forget aboutthat girl... when you do what you wanna do watch all the girls that are gonna come at you. Good luck bro
wake up at 7:15am
sit on the internet for hours
1:00pm get lunch//sleep in my car
5:00pm get off and go to sleep
6-9pm sit there uninterested

i miss my old life, i was happier poor.
Wake up between 7-8
go to my 9-12 classes
go home and eat
go to my other house and get on the computer
look thro my phonebook to see who im rappin to today
rap to the girl and set up a meet
kick it with my boys to waste time
go out with the girl
do whatever...
come home and talk to another girl i might be tryin to get at or the same girl
then fall asleep

sometimes this varies though and i just chill all day with my boys.
Hectic, between working and going to school both full time, playing on 2 hockey teams and also a football team, I dont have time for much.

Wake up: 6:00 Am
Work: 7-5:30
School: 6:30-9:30
Home: 10:15
Dead by 12

Somedays I have classes earlier than 5:30 and usually I will have hockey on those nights wont be home till around 11:30 or so.

wake up at 7:30
work from 9-6
6:20-10 work second job

wake up at 6:30
work from 8-5
6-8 community service in dc

wake up at 7:30
work from 9-6
gym or time with friends (bf)

S & S
grocery shop, random acts of community service, eat Peruvian chicken, spend time with friends or bf, sleep, study,
alarm goes of at 7am,
7.45 head to work. pick up breakfast and paper
5.00 head home, have supper
see my mum for a bit
hang out with my friends
go home watch a bit of tv, on the comp
midnite sleep,and repeat.

apart from friday when i finish work at 1.30
Get up at 7
Get the kid dressed and ready for school, drop her off at school at 8
Get in the shower, get ready for work at 9:30
10 o'clock, go to work.
11-7:30, talk to you fine folks, if you call nike.com.
8, get home from work
8-9, hang out with my kid
9-11, hang out on the computer or play games
bed at 11.

Lather, rinse, repeat.
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