NT what's your side hustle

May 30, 2014
recently I've really been paying attention with how social media is playing a big roll in a little extra income in your pockets. I see people selling shirts with coca cola logo but tweeked out with their own logo. or they'll take Jack Daniels design and create something similar. 

Another Idea that has been lingering in the back of my mind are bumper stickers. Sell anything from sports,political, patriotic etc. I looked to out the middle man and but the sticker printer. its pricey but ****...scared money don't make money. for someone thats just starting these printers can go for 20,000$ but if you can network with someone who has a business license you can pick one up for half the price.

Would like to hear how you guys started your little side hustle fam. what helped you get up and running?

Out of 10 of my friends only 2 showed interest to invest out money but I'm hoping to come more prepared with more info to persuade them.

thank you for reading... 
thats pretty cool. RIte now I'm a truck driver and decided to take EMT classes at night to join a search a rescue team for local county 
4 years ago I lost 3,000$ Golden State Championship, believe me i never want to feel what i felt that night ever again.
some of my friends did Uber, it did't work out for them either. The ones that do put in work are working 14 hrs days to make it work
rofl man gambling you gotta have a great memory with stats, injured player, starters,suspension etc 

it's a lot of work but the pay off is good. But it's always a gamble lol I'm coo i work hard for my money
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