NT whats your skill?

Does education count as a skill?
Music/Writing/Fixing Stuff/ppl. skills when i wanna use it .... also i'm pretty good with the books
Forgot some stuff could make a bow and arrow from scratch ....... as well as a spear ....... make dinner from scratch also by that I mean hunt, kill, clean,season and then cook ... so yeah my survival skills is on point
A lot of fun but ultimately useless stuff is what I am best at doing. I can play basketball, surf, kayak, sail and do kendo (the japanese version of fencing).Martial arts sounds useful but most of my focus has been on kendo, swordsmanship, instead of being good at unarmed self defense. I know a lot about theSimpsons and Ancient and Medieval history. I am pretty good at gaming but more of the older stuff.

My best skills are talking, dialogue, monologue, BSing, conversing, oratory, rhetoric and chatting. I have a deep vocabulary that I built through reading,reading the classic, reading novels, reading history, reading essays and letters and speeches by those who speak and write the best, from Cicero to MartinLuther King II.

Perhaps I can eventually turn those skills into a career in law, the two best professions for achieving prestige while often times achieving little else.
Reading/writing/spelling/grammar/etc. and analyzing people.

And once upon a time, I had all the makings of a great baseball player.
I've always gotten complimented on how well i write and express my self in words. I'm majoring in marketing and I'm starting to think it was amistake smh
Athletics. I've always been naturally good at sports.

Also people. I really understand people, and know how to respond to and from them.
people person, lyricist, good at computers, writing, not being a boring person ever.
I'm not that good in sports but I believe if I devote some time to it I'ma get there
"The pen is mightier than the sword my lord" Jayz

Im good at quoting rap lines.

People skills
I just have a wide variety of skills, ill leave it at that.
^^^nice quotes..

ummm as for me, im exceptionally good in baseball, tennis, guitar, and i like helping people out with their problems
fixing computers
photographic memory (I never get lost)
wit (I cannot be outsmarted by anyone I know, word to Ozymandias from Watchmen)
building things / putting things together
I'm a great listener (everyone spills their guts to me for some reason)
sports knowledge
Madden/2K BEAST!!!!
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