NT; Whats your take on males wearing rings?

Those with wedding bands, do y'all ever take it off?

I've had mine for 1.5 years and I never take it off. My hand is so used to it, it feels weird when I don't have it on
Other then a class ring or wedding ring pertaining to males. I think the societal view of jewelry is feminine. Yea males wear piercings, chains, and rings, but most of the female populations constantly wears those things and are more likely to wear jewelry compared to the male pop.

I like the plain tungsten rings but i have no reason to wear one. Image, add metal value to my body?

Im not going to judge a guy wearing rings though, his body he can do whatever.
i think pinky rings are cool but i dont think i can pull it off lol.. wedding bands only i guess
Originally Posted by djuzi05

Those with wedding bands, do y'all ever take it off?

I've had mine for 1.5 years and I never take it off. My hand is so used to it, it feels weird when I don't have it on

I've had it on for 5 years without taking it off.  If I did, I'd still be wearing the tan line. 
I wear my wedding ring outside the house. Don't wear it at home.
Didn't know so many nters were married.
From my experience most people that wear lots of rings are mentally unstable.

(Jordan Excluded)
I wear my dad's on my pinky and my class ring on the middle finger of my right hand sometimes. If I could I would do the same on my left also. Ring's aren't an all the time thing for me, but sometimes I throw them on just because.

If you don't like them that's cool, if you do that's cool too. Worrying about what somebody else has on or thinks of what you have on is wack.
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