NT! Where's my ex-knuckleheads at?

Never was a goon...

but seeing my boy die to violence last week really had an adverse affect on me. He wasnt an angel but he did change his life after having 2 kids...

some of my other boys still Loc but i damn near gave up on em...some ppl got their own path to follow.
Originally Posted by realxfresh

Oh hell no. Let's not even get into that.

How many of you damn NTers are from the Bay anyways??

I posted this cuz of the anonymity factor, but ya'll are starting to get a little too close for comfort

Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

Never was a goon...

but seeing my boy die to violence last week really had an adverse affect on me. He wasnt an angel but he did change his life after having 2 kids...

some of my other boys still Loc but i damn near gave up on em...some ppl got their own path to follow.
Sorry to hear that, bruh.

Sucks knowing that you can't do anything but spectate.
just hang out with those friends when you are playing sports or something.

other than that, try and avoid them because trouble will come.
Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by realxfresh

Oh hell no. Let's not even get into that.

How many of you damn NTers are from the Bay anyways??

I posted this cuz of the anonymity factor, but ya'll are starting to get a little too close for comfort

Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

Never was a goon...

but seeing my boy die to violence last week really had an adverse affect on me. He wasnt an angel but he did change his life after having 2 kids...

some of my other boys still Loc but i damn near gave up on em...some ppl got their own path to follow.
Sorry to hear that, bruh.

Sucks knowing that you can't do anything but spectate.
C'mon now.

Majority of NT'ers by Ranking
1.) Cali / NY
2.) DC/MD/VA
3.) the rest of the united states.

i NEVER put my business out on NT because there are too many lurkers and people that I WILL know on here

Ain't no anonymity factor here fam....or should I say.....Stan
Originally Posted by TheeQuickness

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by realxfresh

Oh hell no. Let's not even get into that.

How many of you damn NTers are from the Bay anyways??

I posted this cuz of the anonymity factor, but ya'll are starting to get a little too close for comfort

Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

Never was a goon...

but seeing my boy die to violence last week really had an adverse affect on me. He wasnt an angel but he did change his life after having 2 kids...

some of my other boys still Loc but i damn near gave up on em...some ppl got their own path to follow.
Sorry to hear that, bruh.

Sucks knowing that you can't do anything but spectate.
C'mon now.

Majority of NT'ers by Ranking
1.) Cali / NY
2.) DC/MD/VA
3.) the rest of the united states.

i NEVER put my business out on NT because there are too many lurkers and people that I WILL know on here

Ain't no anonymity factor here fam....or should I say.....Stan


i know a guy

used to be a hardcore goon

hes grown up now

and is like a pastor

he changed his ways

dude did some DMX status $+$ too
I can't flex keithahundred still gets his hands dirty every now and then......but besides the little hustle hell I'm L7 all day focused on this schoolFTW
I use to do some things here and there when I was younger. Thankfully, I did a lot of dirt when I was younger 13-17 and I decided to get back into high schooland finish. Best move ever!

OP what you need to do is take the skills you learned on the street and apply them to the legitimate world. When you can master that, the money is going tocome and come fast. Just today i found out how to get the government to pay for 70% of my future mortgage for up to 15 years. The best part is I wont goto jailfor any of it!!!

Besides as my dad says. "When you've been in the dope game for a real long time, it can only mean a few things. You've been to prison for a longtime, you're snitchen or paying off the police." Comming from a guy who successfully shook the feds for over 50 years.
Originally Posted by BgL2687

you from oakland right? and you said chinese so Ima take a wild guess and say JB?
I was raised in Oakland.

But the fam stacked up some paper and got us the

And Quickness why you tryina put my contacts out there.

My name is ItsGettinHot and I look like this

Originally Posted by TheSwoosh

I use to do some things here and there when I was younger. Thankfully, I did a lot of dirt when I was younger 13-17 and I decided to get back into high school and finish. Best move ever!

OP what you need to do is take the skills you learned on the street and apply them to the legitimate world. When you can master that, the money is going to come and come fast. Just today i found out how to get the government to pay for 70% of my future mortgage for up to 15 years. The best part is I wont goto jail for any of it!!!

Besides as my dad says. "When you've been in the dope game for a real long time, it can only mean a few things. You've been to prison for a long time, you're snitchen or paying off the police." Comming from a guy who successfully shook the feds for over 50 years.
Man I wish I was smart enough to have messed with something lucrative like weight. As I look back on it, all the foolishness I got intodidn't even have upsides. I wasn't out there gettin' money or nothin'. Just bein' a wild lil bastard for no good reason.
I feel like a lame now,compared to my fast living, juvenile attending, fight everyday, don't take crap from no-one self. My old self would kick my current self's ars!
But all in all it is for the better.
Yall dudes is tryina get indicted like always

I can't believe I never got caught some of the @#** I did. Fights when I was a kid in Colombia was wild
.. And some of the @#** I was doing for thelast two years
I'm out, I am not about to get deported and I can't hurt my momma like that bruh. My pops did two years for laundering andit damn near killed her
Plus that *#%$$$ up our immigration situation and that was in the 90s and i STILL aint a citizen.

Anybody feel like "square" society is made up of boring people who didn't have social skills till/after college ?? Some of these dudes I workwith bo
I feel mad out of place everyday, but I'm keepin my head on straight
DuckTailsxaintxI wrote:
I feel like a lame now, compared to my fast living, juvenile attending, fight everyday, don't take crap from no-one self. My old self would kick my current self's ars!
But all in all it is for the better.

Life's good right now. I actually don't like talking about what I did from 2000-2005 (fights, hustlin, etc). The only time I even discuss it is when Iget drunk around the people that I did it with. I work a regular job and attend college on a full-time basis and I wouldn't have it any other way. Luckilyall the people that did it with me are either in school or working now also and not locked up or worse.
Originally Posted by IsyouRollin

DuckTailsxaintxI wrote:
I feel like a lame now, compared to my fast living, juvenile attending, fight everyday, don't take crap from no-one self. My old self would kick my current self's ars!
But all in all it is for the better.



I doubt son's gassin' hisself up though. He said "Juvenille attending" so even with his epiphany, I doubt dude can even buy his own lottotickets yet.
I know for a fact ITSGETTINHOT is a clown....

just kiddin bud

Man i used to run with them bad ones too. Did a lot of things and thank god i didnt get caught. I have a son now and soon a great career, i miss it and revertback here and there but for the most part im just a calm cat now.
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